
Seconding all of these Miyazaki/Ghibli recommendations.

If you don’t want endless fight scenes than I would definitely steer clear of DBZ no matter how “classic” it may be...

Here more than anywhere else I really miss the Disqus spoiler tags.

I only have like an hour under my belt but it has some great golf mechanics — including being able to just your ball spin and a “precision” mode that shows you exactly where you need to stop your swing to hit your intended target — and the beginnings of a bizarre story so it’s doing everything I want it to do so far.

I beat Coach’s three students and his driving test before calling it a night.

Did have one hilarious glitch as I hit a ball right between two close trees trying to hit a switch* very early on. The ball tried to fall to the ground but kept “hitting” one of the two trees and making an obnoxious noise for a very long

I beat Coach’s three students and his driving test before calling it a night.

Did have one hilarious glitch as I hit a ball right between two close trees trying to hit a switch* very early on. The ball tried to fall to the ground but kept “hitting” one of the two trees and making an obnoxious noise for a very long

Faced with the decision between Picross S and Golf Story from this week’s eShop offerings, I went with the latter. No slight to Picross, which I greatly enjoy, but I’ve wanted to take a swing at Golf Story ever since it first showed up in that Nindies Direct a few weeks ago. (Also, of the two, Picross S is much more

Holy crap for a second there I thought I was the only Gameologican playing Golf Story.

I dearly love the weapon upgrades in the MM series, which is why everything after 3 kind of falls flat for me. The weapons are still great, but they are basically outshined by the ability to charge up the Mega Buster outside of very specific circumstances.

Do you use the Clairvoyance rules with them?

The last time I played Flashpoint I discovered the rule that said you can’t fire the deck gun if another firefighter is in the target quadrant.

I am convinced that this rule materialized out of thin air and has never been in the rulebook any other time I’ve looked at it.

To be fair, “better game than Monopoly” is a low bar to clear.

Yeah 1/20 sounds about right. The On Your Orders expansion adds some neat twists that might make is slightly more likely.

It’s a grey area. I try to avoid it whenever possible.

I do! The amount of love that Christopher and Adam have for this thing they’ve created is infectious.

How badly are you waiting for the Sentinel’s Collector’s case? I don’t know where I’m going to put that behemoth, but I do know once I put it there it will not be moving.

The first time I encountered Wrexoul was by accident. While I was leveling up Gau, Cyan, Mog, and I think Umaro. Guess how utterly impossible that fight is when 3/4ths of your party aren’t under your direct control and it possesses the one who is.

Topple Spikes was the dumbest thing and I hope it doesn’t come back in XC2.

Then you’ve never played Ghost Stories (Taoist monks defending a village from a rampaging horde of angry spirits). Or The Grizzled (WWI soldiers... ‘nuff said).

Impressive. I know fully-grown intelligent adults who can’t handle Sentinels. There’s just too much to keep track of for them. Being a Magic player helps.