
I’m struggling to find time for Xenobalde Chronicles 2 thanks to my new job taking an extra 45 minutes from my previous day-to-day. Said job also doesn’t see me having a bunch of idle time sitting in front of a PC so I’m going to be popping in a lot less frequently. Keep playing, and I’ll see you fine folks around.

I have to wait for my Special Edition to arrive (hopefully tomorrow) but I plan on putting as much time into Xenoblade Chronicles 2 as my schedule allows once it does. Still maintaining my Pocket Camp (decorating for the winter holidays with some sweet, sweet candy canes) and my other usual nonsense, but when I’m not

My group just survived March in Season 2. Not won; survived.

Greatly enjoyed Rime. I don’t notice performance issues unless they are blatant so whatever problems were there fell probably under my threshold other than some camera things. Actually started playing a second time to ferret out more secrets, as it’s super easy to miss them the first time through when you’re just

JULY! Our copy of Player Three releases in July, not January. That’s what happens when I post before fully waking up...

Considering that we ultimately needed a custom installation of Player Three, the DLC and microtransactions were basically afterthoughts.

I picked up Rime for Switch yesterday and have been thoroughly enjoying it. Of note, I picked up the retail release, which is $10 more than the eShop release; I had a Best Buy gift certificate to make up the difference but it turns out that the retail version includes a download code for the deluxe soundtrack plus a

My friends and I joked that “Box 8" contained two things: a match, and a coupon for $10 off your next copy of Pandemic Legacy with the hope that you won’t screw up so badly. (We opened it after finishing as well.)

We just put our first month of Season 2 to bed this week. The game is... different, and it’s great to see

Yeah eventually they’re gonna not beat the previous year’s total; that’s just inevitable. But I don’t think that will be this year. I would speculate that political events have put people in a very charitable mood and they were so close to breaking 700K last year that I think they can do it.

Not going to be playing a lot of games this weekend, although with Iconic Masters being released I’m probably going to get in a couple of drafts. I will, however, be watching quite a lot of people playing one specific game: Desert Bus.

Ravnica always tears at my soul. I’ve been a black/white mage since my first Revised starter contained Serra Angel, Sengir Vampire, Demonic Tutor, and Wrath of God. I greatly enjoy the Orzhov style of play (slow, incremental damage shored up by accompanied lifegain) but “organized religion mafia” is so not my flavor

I think Deadlands and Doomtown are related?

I want to say there is/was a western-styled game where the cards had normal playing card values and conflicts were sorted out by poker hands. A quick search brings up the name Doomtown (recently re-released in LCG form as Doomtown: Reloaded) but I don’t have any first-hand experience to say for sure.

Yeah ante cards are mostly banned in all formats, although IIRC the “Old School” community (a format that exclusively uses cards printed in ‘93-’94) might allow them to be used without the ante text (turns Contract From Below into a one-mana draw seven. Seems good?). That format is also a big fan of Chaos Orb, which

To be fair, the story in Magic didn’t really take shape until several years into its production. There’s the “Brothers War” background in Antiquities and a vague sense of progression from The Dark through Alliances, but most of that was stuck on flavor text. There were novels back then but they were wholly unrelated

Unless you’re playing with specific silver-bordered cards, the only distinction you really need is “opponents” and “not opponents”. Imperial Mask gets a bit weird, but you and your allies aren’t really a “team” in this format. As the name might suggest, its much more interesting in Emperor.

Not a lot out of the ordinary planned for this weekend gaming-wise. I hope to finish off Wulverblade in time to maybe pick up Rime on Tuesday, because I’ve been waiting for that to come within my reach for a while now.

Tonight, however, it is time for my second quest with Symphony of the Goddesses. Been looking forward

One of my favorite jokes about Bant is that they developed a system of “eggs in one basket” combat because no spot removal existed there. Resounding Silence kind of gets in the way of that (Dispeller’s Capsule has a similar function on Esper) but it’s still amusing.

This article reminded me that Muppet Treasure Island is the only one of these eight not currently sitting on my shelf. That will have to be corrected.

If only Disney would finally let me do the same for Seasons 4 & 5 of The Muppet Show...

Yeah my click-through rate on mtg.com went way down with the redesign that moved away from that more structured schedule. (Not that different from here, really.) House of Cards was the best, especially when Gottlieb was at the helm.