
I strangely don’t own any version of Carcassone yet, but I’ve promised myself that if I ever do it will be the winter edition that doesn’t match any of the other expansions to curb the urge to pick them up.

Original Power Grid is the least fun math test I’ve ever taken. I much prefer the caveman spin-off, The First Sparks.

One title I was expecting to see here but didn’t is Dixit, a Balderdash-style game that has one player (“storyteller”) describing/captioning a surreal dream-like image with a single sentence (or less). The other players then secretly submit one of their own images in an attempt to steal votes over which image was the

Sealed is a fickle mistress — prerelease sealed especially thanks to the extra rare everyone gets — but I had fun despite having one of my poorer performances overall (4-0, 0-3, 2-1, and 1-2 drop). The Priates/Dinosaurs/Merfolk/Vampires thing really calls back the fun of the first Innistrad and it’s various monster

This weekend will be 48 hours of Ixalan Prerelease nonsense for me, with four events lined up in a row to deprive me of precious sleep and cash. (I take Friday and Monday off for prep/recovery, because I’ve been doing this for over a decade now.) The weekend will be capped off with WWE No Mercy — although sadly that

Yeah the message of the song was pretty clearly “If you’re the POTUS, put down your damned phone.”

Nah. When they die, nobody will be talking about them.

Seriously. The only thing keeping me from going broke on indies is my general distaste of platformers, which most of them wind up being in some form. But, like... local co-op brawlers? Hello, Wulvenblade!

I’m probably going to pick up Samus Returns at some point down the line, especially since I gave the original Metroid II a pass way back when so it’s a completely new game for me.

Lost Sphear is the next release from the I Am Setsuna team (which is painfully obvious if you watch its trailer). I don’t think Octopath’s is the same?

This weekend will feature me putting an ungodly amount of time into Monster Hunter Stories, which I actually pre-loaded last night because I knew work would be dead today and I didn’t want to wait for my chance to pick it up via retail (besides, all my other MH games that aren’t 3U live on this system so might as well

That said, there were definitely a couple FF4 scripted battles that then immediately dumped you into a normal battle in extremely rough shape. The Rydia/Golbez encounter is up there, since everyone else was taken out. I would always try to have Kain in mid-Jump before the “end” hits just so I would have an extra body

The lack of a second screen, simply.

This weekend I’ll make my token effort towards Team Invisibility. Hopefully this month the popularity race is more even and the opposing team won’t be the invisible ones — although if Flight is significantly more popular that would be thematically amusing on their end.

How the hell are you not approved yet?

Yeah having something to do during wait times in Splat 2 would go a long way to me playing it more often.

Yeah the endgame of Default draaaaaaaaaags the game way down. Almost worth it for The Reveal, though. Almost.

Yeah I’m a re-user for sure. My wife is also... except when the loaf is nearly done*, at which point she shifts to “twist & tuck” for reasons I don’t comprehend.

*Which here means “just the heels that only I eat”.

I made it through to the end but man... yeah, that was rough.

I’m pretty sure Faust Eric demonstarted that it would indeed follow him anywhere. And anywhen.