
Honestly I haven’t put that cartridge in the system in a long time, but I seem to recall still using the L and R buttons for that? I’ll give it a shot when I get home this evening and report back.

Other than helping people out of the greys I don’t know, but it’s such a reflex action by now I just do it.

There’s a spoily bit at the very end of Setsuna where they don’t even let you save on the overworld map. After everything I just went through before that, you have no idea how paranoid I was leading into what followed.

The 3DS version of Pinball Hall of Fame: The Williams Collection (the Wii version of which was very nearly my GOTY back in 2008) did something that I’ve never seen any other game do: it had the option to hold the system upside-down, with the table on the now-lower 3D screen and the upper screen serving as the backdrop

From what little I’ve seen, Lost Sphear looks like it will continue down the evolution that the Bravely series basically perfected (give or take 4 Heroes of Light) so I have high hopes for it.

Yeah no-sale on XX for me unless it’s in English. Similarly, I’m avoiding watching any MHW media because I don’t want to hurt myself.

There is a chance that I will get to play MHW some day, but it relies on Kingdom Hearts 3 actually coming out in my lifetime and my wife purchasing a PS4 just to play it, at which point

My biggest pet peeve about the whole system, by far*, is when you get a notification that someone recommended/upvoted a post but it doesn’t tell you which one.

Eh, if phobias were rational they wouldn’t be phobias.

I myself have absolutely no issues with clowns. That said, when I heard about the Alamo Drafthouse’s latest audience gimmick — a clowns-only screening of the new It — even I had to admit that sounded creepy as hell.

I certainly have never played RL and am mildly curious about doing so.

My problem with Pinball Arcade is that they didn’t port to Wii U until the system was basically dead and I had spent all my virtual quarters on Zen Pinball 2's tables instead. Zen put out some damn fine silver ball, especially using licenses like Star Wars and Marvel, but I would have preferred to pick up recreations

Yeah I usually make it a point to not leave my house if my dryer is running, lest I come back to a smoking crater. Washing machine is usually fast enough that it’s not an issue, but man my dryer can take forever to finish (something about the way it senses moisture, I think) so I usually just run it overnight.

The opportunity to edit is either time-limited or expires as soon as someone replies. I’m not sure exactly which, but a window is there.

I finished up I Am Setsuna on Sunday and while it was an enjoyable throwback experience, it really emphasized to me how tired I am of certain JRPG mechanics like specific save points, mutli-boss marathons where a single loss erases all of your progress since the last time you were allowed to save (not to mention the

Sure thing!


Second only to her utter contempt for DD’s costume.

Which is partially Jessica being Jessica and partially because she’s worn one before.

Weren’t those pictures pinned to the wall by the detectives?

I mean... hasn’t DD3 already been confirmed? Maybe without that there might have been a valid tease, but yeah probably not even then.

I should have clarified “of the movies I’ve seen”.

Yeah by far my biggest “huh?” of that Top 20.

I think I deduct points from The Naked Gun for recycling so many jokes from Police Squad! — and I’m a big fan of both.