
Yeah Brooks’s fifth-best comedy is better than most directors’ second-best.

You can also use common Word shortcuts (ctrl-i and the rest) if you’re not on mobile.

The hidden pros peppered throughout (and even one sorta-main character) was one of the best bonuses of an already great series.

I don’t care what the “rules” are, I prefer plastic bags. We re-use them as liners for small trash cans (which includes our paper shredder) and they are especially handy for cleaning the cat’s litterbox and other pet clean-ups.

I have never cared about football in any serious sense, but I have very fond memories of playing the original* John Madden Football with my dad on the SNES back in 1990. It was a different game back then, of course. At the time it was more of a game and less of a simulation, if that makes sense. There was certainly no

And if he doesn’t count as “minor”, how about Carmen’s brothers?

It would probably look/sound a lot like this Texts from Superheroes.

But yeah when they were gathering everyone into the police station it should have come up. Best we got was her officially introducing Luke to Iron Fist after their fight.

Was the “For Our Consideration” tag lost in the move?

Am I the only one who would have accepted a 9-episode season if the extra one was just a “below decks” Karen, Foggy, Trish, Malcolm, Claire, Colleen, and Misty interacting? The bits we did get weren’t enough.

Does comics Iron Fist have this much trouble controlling his chi? Netflix IF’s continued difficulty with that feels like a narrative contrivance to keep him on the same level (ish) as the other three and not a walking wrecking ball.

So, the “modal window” thing didn’t actually pop up until I tried to comment and it finally asked me to log in, but seems to have worked.

I wouldn't put it past them to keep Madam Gao around, though.

Yeah I assumed he'd figure out that Gordian Knot solution immediately. The fact that he waited until there was only one other person who could protect Danny also speaks to his intelligence. I'm sure he had the idea when they were all arguing and fighting about Danny laying low but knew it would be a bad time to try —

The puzzle itself was great. The hint to find the puzzle could have used some work.

Well the problem there is that Hogan's reign was FOUR YEARS so I don't think anyone will ever catch up to that point.

I was 100% certain that Ember was going over in Orlando, so I think this is long overdue. Asuka can still take on the MYC winner without needing to be champion and she can't stay in NXT forever anyway.

Lumen Fidei left a bad taste in my group's mouth with its big puzzle and overall ending. We are definitely curious to see where this goes, but getting a little tired of the crazy combat trials and other shenanigans. I am especially not looking forward to whenever certain macguffins pay off, since I'm pretty sure we've

Watching it now…

I still need to finish I Am Setsuna. I got really close on Sunday, but someone thought it would be funny to have an enemy that occasionally casts f'n Meteo before it dies and that set me back far enough (to the most recent save point) that I put the game down in protest all week. I don't think I'll find the time this

Man The Grizzled is a brutal little co-op. My friend recently picked up the On Your Orders expansion which adds some neat twists.