
Yeah if I have to explain it to you I don't actually need your opinion.

You're mostly wrong but it is easier if you start younger.

And that's before we get into meta-examples like Southpaw Regional Wrestling. Even among wrestling fans, that can be hard depending on age of entry. My wife started watching during the Nitro era and she was completely lost as to why I found Southpaw so goddamned hilarious.

You say "repeat" but checking your history the only other time you've mentioned this was twice in the comments of a 1997 Week feature piece last week. If you've done so anywhere else and I missed it I apologize, but doing so anywhere near the final RAW/SDL coverage two weeks ago probably would have been the smarter

Hey you can think and still enjoy pro wrestling.

If they were they would be saying so. Loudly.

They still have their share of secrets, but yeah among professional magicians they are more likely to reveal something than just about anyone.

I understood Donald just fine, especially his two best lines: "I wasn't talking to you" and "I can't keep track of all of your sworn enemies."

That was just pattycake.

The bridge scene drives me crazy. I keep trying to flip it "right side up" and it fails to make any sense. Why are the lasers underneath it? Was the suspension bridge supposed to sway to trigger them or something?

It plays like a more traditional turn-based RPG but uses a kind of rock-paper-scissors move system that makes things different. You don't capture your monsties (literally "monster besties" because someone can't resist that nonsense) like in Pokémon: you find (or assemble? I haven't managed that yet but I have parts)

Certain Game is the worst.

Two new RPGs have fallen into may lap so that's where I'm putting my focus this weekend.

I'm not the only one who complained when Cage hit the split-punch on Goro in the movie, right? If you tried that in the game he'd just shrug instead of punching.

Original MK's weren't that complicated IIRC. Sub-Zero's was just forward, down, forward, high punch at the right distance. I think Scorpion's was just hold block and push up twice.

It fights for that spot with Hudson Hawk in my mind.

My wife and I were looking at a discount DVD rack in Best Buy one day, and saw a Mortal Kombat/MK: Annihilation combo pack for $5. We were seriously considering it, until I checked the other side of the rack and found a better offer: for $1 more, we could not get Annihilation.

She wasn't even the best Brosnan-era Bond Girl. Like… maybe third, behind Wei Lin and Elektra King? Miranda Frost is up there too.

1/3rd the points. Not sure if you hit the demo splatfest, but Splat 2 scores on popularity, team wins (where you log in as an actual team, like League play), and solo wins.

The Wii version was ok, but the motion controls didn't work as well as people wanted them to. Drawing a straight line freehand with no feedback is surprisingly hard.