Mr. Deltoid

Saw <i><b>Get Out</I></B>. It telegraphs creepiness and dread from the beginning, but stays in psychological horror territory for its first two-thirds—which is a very good thing. Though there are echoes of a slew of older films, from <I>The Stepford Wives</I> to <I>Rosemary’s Baby</I> to <I>The Invitation</I>, it’s

$1160 in the bank. $200 on LIttlefinger, $50 on Yara, $50 on the Hound, $50 on Sansa, $100 on the field.

Saw the first Captain America film with the boys. The WWII setting kept the spirit of the comics and also the idealism of fighting Nazis, but I wonder how that will hold up with the Captain re-awakened in the less black-and-white present.

Is there a way to view comments in any way other than oldest to newest? I seem to remember we had some other options once....

Sam’s mom is now a widow. Jon could also marry her.

No, those were tyrannosaurs going past.

Bring back our letter grades! It’s good to see how the consensus compares with the reviewer’s grade.

Behind you!

Behind you!

All these comments will be lost in time, like tears in the rain.

All these comments will be lost in time, like tears in the rain.

It started off smart and with lots of potential, then fell victim to increasing dumb choices and… Oh, wait, that's my life.

Yes, but so brief you won't be aware of it.

Goodbye, non-A.V. Club Disqus.

As I former Sears catalog model, I take exception to that.

Sure, she’s happy to have made Evelyn happy, but she’s mostly just thankful that she no longer has to think up abuse.

Scroll down to see this as my choice too.

Or we need the spirit of Occupy, but with patience and organization. Think of the far-right conservatives after Goldwater, scoffed at as a lunatic fringe but quietly organizing and working till they had Reagan in the White house.

"Anger is our energy."

No fetish, just experience.