Mr. Deltoid

I saw this today at the Golden Horse Festival. It is very good. On the most basic level, it's a psychosexual whodunnit, but there are so many complications and distractions that it's easy to forget that, till the skeleton is suddenly stripped bare. It seems more of a piece with Haneke's The Piano Teacher than most of

Then how come I've read it but never had sex in a canoe? I guess because I'm not Canadian

I was just about to write "Anything by Leonard Cohen," and then saw the news.

In a way, I wish he had gone a couple of days earlier and been spared the knowledge of what just happened.

You don't know the power of the gray side.

My kids aren't growing up in the U.S. Somehow, I don't think we'll be moving there anytime in the next few years.

No official power. But have you forgotten Cheney? With a fool like Bush or Trump in charge, the VP is in a position to take up a lot of the slack.

The fringiest fringe Republicans can now move into the very center of power, where they'll have the novel experience of looking sane and reasonable next to Trump. The most looniest example is Giuliani, who'll definitely expect something substantial for his support. No more punditry for him.