
Nerd libertarians UNITE ... FORM OF Shkreli... superpowers: FRAUD and DOUCHBAGGERY.

Given that about 90% of the comments on this article are not about corruption but about someone's "funny" name, I'm just going to conclude that American deserves Trump and his little minions who are going to destroy civic order over the next 10 years. Have fun with your domestic terrorists you superficial pieces of

What do you know about corruption in your community? Are you willing to do anything about it?

Thanks for the irrelevant bullshit. Where do you see corruption occuring in your community?

Good for you. She has a grasp of the issues regarding how administration (doesn't) work.

You've made that joke before shithead. Now you can pay attention to the issues.

It’s the same as if you eat while you take a shit... you forfeit your humanity.

I think the better analogy is: "If you have a car don't keep it unlocked, because someone will ignore your legitimate rights to property and steal it." You can ring the changes on the other examples. The person who steals the car/hacks the photos is morally culpable. The person who didn't lock her car/keep photos not

No, its the fact that “your legitimate right to privacy can be easily violated by assholes, and you can’t easily do anything about it." De jure people have a right to privacy, de facto that does not mean squat unless you take the right precautions.

‘Extrinsic' is a word; its opposite is 'intrinsic'. I hope you were not joking, and I come off as insufferable ass.

This, since her lie, assuming it is one, is not germane to the matters in the case, she should not be charged with perjury. This is how they got Bill Clinton, it was bullshit then and bullshit now. If she lied, fine, mock her and Trump.

I want the first person to interview him, in the first question, to ask, "Ryan, what does 'candid' mean?"

It's the Fable of the Bees, but with piss.

Is the NFL aware of any credible evidence … that indicates that there is any validity to the remarks about Mr. Harrison?

“These things are very bad, so we should ignore this other thing that is not as bad." "You shouldn't eat in a nice restaurant for your birthday until you payoff your student loan debt."

I think we can all get behind the principle that people should not be investigated for vandalism and filing false reports until poverty and corruption are eliminated.

“You suck! We were wrong, but for the right reasons!"

He could shill for Depends.

Settle down.