Dr.Nemmo and his time-travelling submarine

There would have been multiple costumes with different materials and details depending on what was required in a particular shot. It could be that some aesthetic changes were made between one version and the next and no-one thought it was worth tossing out the older one because it would only be visible for a few

I’m a little dubious. Looking at the photos above, the hip plate of the auction mannequin does not look like the one Carrie Fisher is wearing. There’s also some peculiar caveat language on the auction site:

Another historic dress for Kim Kardashian to stretch out...

It’s almost as if the consent is the important part 🧐 

We should improve society somewhat

“Completely invasive!” I cry as I voluntarily carry around a device that tracks my every move and communication 24/7. 

Foldable owner here. When the phone is open, you can absolutely use a handlebar mount.

As we enter 2nd and 3rd generation folding phones, I would finally consider buying one... if it wasn’t for the fact that I commute to work either on my bicycle or motorcycle, and take many long rides on both when not commuting. As far as I can tell, there are really no good options for folding phones and handlebar

I appreciate any foldable review that quickly acknowledges the crease.  

I'd love to read this article, but I can't dismiss all the fucking pop up ads on their mobile page.  Fuck you, Car Fox.

I’m glad artists are experimenting with new technologies for creating art, and it’s a pity they keep getting punished for it because of the negative response from a bunch of perpetually-online assholes on social media. 

I appreciate Apple’s commitment to privacy regarding AI use.  To be really useful, AI agents need to retain data about the user.  Apple and Anthropic seem to be the only companies ensuring privacy is a core part of their models.

well yeah, but come on! Don’t you realize the cloaking device was probably on?  It’s there.  We know it, you know it, we all know it.

It’s a Vulcan deception. They distorted the data so we wouldn’t keep watching and notice them.


Which is why I say “Fuck you” to Google’s spokesperson characterizing this as a desirable feature, and not a modern horror. 

And to be fair about the parachute thing, they don’t make any mention of opening them. A closed parachute would be just as effective as a backpack at preventing death

This is why I run my own SearxNG server.  Might remove Google as an engine that it uses at this point too. 

It was a very good idea to take a search engine that had been so finely tuned over the past few decades that the word “google” had become completely synonymous with internet search in the vernacular, and just shoehorn in an AI replacement that was not even trained to filter out obvious satire.

Now playing

Picture yourself in a search for a river
That has tangerine trees and marmalade skies
Gemini gives you your answer quite slowly
It’s Bill Shatner with kaleidoscope eyes