Dr.Nemmo and his time-travelling submarine

You leave the Surface Connect port where it is, sire. Don’t you dare move it !

Honestly, the charging port is great, and devices without a magnetic connector are missing an important feature. Yes, I can charge it from the USB port too, but the awkwardness of a USB cable plugged on the side is not an advantage when you

As my sight grows worse with the years, I started caring less and less about screen quality and I could see myself not caring about the crease. However it’s the durability that concerns me more. My friend bought a very expensive Samsung foldable, only to having it die during the seventh month he had it.

Not gonna lie, the transitions were both cringe and fun at the same time. For once, I like where Apple is going. I’m not buying any more Apple products, but hey, good for people invested in the “ecosystem”. 

We are not ready for First Contact yet.

My Galaxy Gear S3 won’t be supported next year by Samsung. So no, I’m not buying Samsung ever again. Watches are supposed to last for decades.

Who would have thought a few years back, that Bing would become a better search engine than Google? Not me.

Also, they get a lot of guns in exchange for food and drugs from the ATF.

Say what you want about the Phantom Menace, but they got their sounds right.

This is just the beginning.

What, no Old Republic movies? If you want to revive Star Wars, go to the past. The Rayuniverse is boring,

Actually, everything works with indian people. Streetlights? An indian guy watching the street. Captcha? And indian guy chopping photos with scissors. Your dishwasher? You guessed it. And indian guy lives in there.

If it’s TEEN Titans, Joseph Gordon-Levitt is 43 years old.

“After all of these years of hard scientific work, we have successfully cloned a mammoth, but to our great disappointment we have also discovered that mammoths were actually huge, racist assholes”.

Elon should have never let his newly found half-brother design his cybertruck.

I remember walking out of Joker and finding myself amidst large street riots. I’m not sure if I should go watch this movie.

He is using so much techno-babble ! As a potential investor it makes me want to run away.

Everyone who has ever owned a drone knows this pain.

Now playing

I suggest watching Dankpod’s review of the iPhone 15 in youtube before investing in one. He can’t record over 30 minutes of video before the phone shuts down on him.

Well, it’s not perfect, but it works. 

I don’t know the specifics, but I would just threw it on the ground.