
I think its probably both in this case? My guess is it this stereotypical slang that white writers thought was funny that was already stale in the 90's, became the character’s catchphrase on Teen Titans, because they have a non-diverse, hacky writer’s room.

You must be young.

“...a highly anticipated exploration of the existential strangeness of Jack Kirby’s venerable Fourth World blend of mythology and comics”

Oh I’m not going to argue that you should ditch DF to play MH, or choose MH over anything else. You can have both!

I felt this too, and then I had some friends show me how to play and eventually I got it. It feels repetitive and mediocre when you start, and its not for everyone, but it really is a game that thrives in the nuances.

I wrestle with the now frequent take of games valuing one’s time or not. On one hand, I get streamlining or cutting grindy busy work. And Gacha games are always going to at least lean in favor of making things longer, since time spent in game means more potential money for them.

Regarding the question of “what does that have to do with his new position”: do you really want to make the argument that person’s previous job is not relevant in an article about their hiring? Because I can make a much better argument that this context should be included on every article about any notable hire.

I think they may currently be in the glory days of a harvest period, cashing in on a big increase in the number of gamers in the last few years of Blizzard’s reputation as a premiere maker of games.

Yea I’m with you on the horns, I’m in the opposite camp of the author on the battle theme because of that.

I honestly don’t know about that, and I think there’s some serious evidence to suggest the contrary.

Two apples per day! Also take space in your stomach at a low calorie density, so they’re great as a primary snack for losing weight.

You might like Pillars 2 and Pathfinder Kingmaker, both of which have the usual RT-Pause, but also turn based combat. This flew a little under the radar as both games added Turn Based later with patches.

I was reading John’s Green Lantern run last year, and I definitely picked up some blue lives matter vibes from his writing.

Yea its especially fitting for this community. The Souls games’ lore has always been pretty archeological, so this isn’t a group that is going to let a little obstacle like “no actual information” get in the way of a good story.

I’d say the times actually helped prove the case that Google was off base to begin with. Even with millions of people stuck in the house for months, with no ability to find a PS5 or Xbox, and with slashed incomes that should prevent them from seeking a $500 console, they still aren’t taking the widely available Stadia

The thing that really stands out here is how Google’s brand has gone from their biggest asset to their biggest liability. When Android came around, people were excited that a consumer focused company like Google was going to offset Apple’s issues with cost and walled gardens.

Stadia was Google attempting to prove that there were a lot of potential gamers that were being kept out of the market because of the cost of consoles. And Stadia’s failure, and the ensuing shortages of Switches, PS5s, and XBSX, proved that this was not the case.

I think its more of a cautionary parable against being an early adopter for any product or service run by Google.

Yea I get it, and I agree with art being in the eye of the beholder. I just think people are too quick to jump on Scorcese for pointing out the downsides to a thing they enjoy, and it puts them in a weirder-than-they-realize position of rushing to the defense of two of the most powerful corporate entities on the

If that ten year old gets inspired to make their own cinema because they watched Civil War, why wouldn’t we champion that?