
Yes, but any fool can buy a decent chocolate cake - finding someone who can do a handbrake turn as well or better than I can is a challenge. ;)

Heh, thanks :)

It's June, so here's a junebug.

McLaren's jackman for years was nicknamed "Forklift" - another good one.

Despite all the issues it had over the years (service bulletins and warranty repairs galore) I absolutely adored my C230 hatchback because it drove brilliantly and would carry an insane amount of stuff. If I'd only bet money on all the times someone told me something wouldn't fit in that car that did, I could go buy

Green tea milk leading to green tea ice cream would make sense. Cheese, though? I don't know that it'd be bad, but I can think of a lot of flavors I'd try before that one.

I wish him luck, but I doubt it'll work. I grew up on a farm, and at one point we fed the cattle distillery mash (alcohol was all gone and it was pressed into pellets by the time we got it). The steaks didn't end up tasting like George Dickel, sadly. One of the neighbors mixed chocolate chip cookies into his feed,

If they want classy and British, it doesn't get much better than Helen Mirren.

That's him. His spoken word stuff is hysterically funny, in a ranty kind of way. I suspect it's nowhere near corporate luxo enough for Infiniti, but the ads would be truly awesome.

They just need to capitalize on the fact that their current spokesperson is Henry Rollins. I would *love* to hear them turn him loose to do one of those ads in his own style.

Nice! Reminds me of the best promo I ever saw - some guy in my neighborhood put these fluorescent posterboard signs up everywhere. "Bob's Emergency Yard Sale! One Day Only!" With a sign like that, you have to stop and ask what the emergency is. His answer? "I have too much crap." :D

Definitely not Michael Caine. It might be Iain Glen - I think the Khaleesi references upthread are right.

What happened to Henry Rollins, Official Angry Voice of Infiniti US?

I was never particularly fond of his "well, of course everyone should get out of my way because I'm ME" attitude, so the fact that this particular screwup also pretty much guaranteed a win for my favorite driver and team (Hill/Jordan) didn't hurt. But yeah, you'd think that there being a whole lot more water all of a

I know - I kind of expected helmet flinging and it never happened.

1998. Apparently he charged down there and accused Coulthard of trying to kill him, but they talked it out a couple of weeks later.

Last report (Mar 21) was that he's still in a coma :(

Yeah - I was absolutely blown away by it at the time, and watching it again I'm even more impressed by how much control he has over the car (post crash).

Now playing

This isn't the best example racing-wise, but damn if it isn't my favorite Spa moment ever - watching Schumi drive that car around at speed on 3 wheels was pretty spectacular.