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Thank you for linking to classic ska! Thank you. Thank you. Listen to ska! Listen to more SKA!

Hemingway only has 1 "M," FYI.

You can't caricature a caricature.

"Here's the secret to living in a log house: You got to love the color brown," Kevin said. "But you can hang a picture anywhere."

The Car.....It has features.....that are indescribable.....So..much luxury......in one package....it makes me...want to dance. (Insert Weapon of Choice style dance routine)

Patrick Dempsey because look at that face. *drool* *swoon*

How about you get Downey Jr for an AMA?

i'm sure it performs better with the governor removed .


But where's The Homer?

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I nominated it simply because I wanted to post the video of it. Which I will now do again.

And Muppet.