
Ugh, helmet shopping. The only way to know for sure if glasses will fit inside your helmet is to go try them on, and spend time awkwardly trying to shove your glasses through the open visor without stabbing yourself in the eye. I'm lucky to live a couple of miles from OG'S showroom, and they were really helpful and

Maybe so. I remember being puzzled at the time as to why they would have put the diamond on the nose of the car - there were surely safer and equally aero - neutral places to put it. And, in subsequent years the sponsor did things like diamonds on helmets and steering wheels, so I think this really was just monumental

I'm sure quite a few people tried - bet there were people fighting to be on the crew to take down the tire barrier at Mirabeau that year.

Found a semi closeup of the nose that shows the diamond.

This wasn't ridiculous on paper, but probably wins for dumbest sponsorship + driver combo - the Steinmetz Diamonds sponsorship of Jaguar F1 at Monaco in 2004 that included embedding a $200,000 flawless diamond in the nose of the car. Unfortunately, they picked the car driven by that year's most-likely-to-crash

Because it's Talladega -
Much big one
So airborne
Very wrecked

Short-term setup anomaly, confirmed by Ricciardo's finish. He'll be back on the podium this week.

I'm sure there are Longhorns on the ranch, it being Texas and all, but they're better known for developing their own breed of cattle, Santa Gertrudis.

Yes, because all the last several rounds of technical changes have been great for the racing and viewer numbers. snort

I drove one for 6 years, until I couldn't extend the factory warranty any more - mechanically, it was a dog (lots of known issues/recall on the injectors for fouling, had to have the a/c compressor replaced which required taking the dash out, etc.) but it drove like a dream - I'm considering picking up another one

Auto train: doing it wrong

When you walk up to a ride, the surly attendant says "don't bother, it's crap." (this actually happened to me in London Segaworld.)

Even so - say someone does it and starts feeding the team false numbers, which then causes them to instruct the driver to make an adjustment which blows the engine. They may just use it to cause mayhem, but that's enough of a reason not to hand the actual parameter names (which I would bet real money are being used

I think the aggregate numbers from all the sessions are going to show that the FIA sensor was malfunctioning, and I fully expect to hear a lot of "yeah, us too" over the next couple of days - it's in the teams' best interests to muddy the waters on this.

Regardless of whether Red Bull win their appeal (which I think they probably should), I'm wondering how long it's going to take for someone outside F1 to attempt to hack those telemetry/control systems during a race. Yeah, I know everything's encrypted, blah blah, but FIA dropped a couple of potential clues with those

Ugh. No track ever deserves this, least of all TWS. There's plenty of undeveloped land just as close to town that they wouldn't have to do much more than clear brush off of - I don't see a clear benefit to this site over another.

Gah, you'd think ExxonMobil could fork over enough cash to pay for the rights to use the original song - Archer managed it so they must not be astronomical. If you're going to do it, do it properly.

If this ends up being the race livery, it'll look pretty awesome from the helicopters.

No worries. I'm just still boggled at all the incredible time and attention that's gone into every other minute detail on this car, and then they do this. :(

Oh, it's far worse. Because it's a Windows default, which means they couldn't be arsed spending an extra 5 minutes picking a different one.