
Some states to have English as an “official language.” But that is about as meaningful as having an “official flower.” The First Amendment protects freedom of speech, and that includes the language that a person chooses to speak in.

Oooh! Does this mean I can carry a squirt bottle and just wet these bitches down when they step up? Because I can truly see me doing something just like that, can’t I?

All dissonance, no cogs.

And now they call colleges “Liberal indoctrination centers”.

Honestly shocked “English as the official language” hasn’t become one of Trump’s cultural war fronts yet (though there’s still time).

Growing up, my mom’s Spanish accent got made fun of once, she laughed it up and said her French is much better since English is her third language. She then asked the 90s Karen (with the Rachel hair) how many languages she spoke. Mom shuts fuckery down real quick.

The spreadsheet that lets me keep track of The Backlog and also upcoming new additions to The Backlog.

...inspire our sponsors, fans, and community for the next 100 years.

Even if they were state workers, the US has no official language. English is the defacto language, not the official one.

“...and inspire our sponsors, fans and community for the next 100 years.”

Their front office marketing team is trash, that’s insane that they didn’t get ahead of this the moment the drama kicked in. Wow. I would call them the Washington Idiots but that’s probably been snatched up by that dude, too.

Can we take a moment to appreciate how monumentally stupid it is to call native Americans “Indians” at this point in time?

+1 corrupted Fallout 3 save file

So basically, if they come up with something completely different and cool (which a good PR firm should be able to do) all of those are useless. I don’t know who to laugh at more, the realtor or the team for not doing this first.

If they pick that and don’t make the logo and uniform Fallout themed I will be super disappointed.

Officially they are called “co-ed Greek organizations”, but that’s a mouthful.”

“The world’s biggest badass and the world’s biggest victim” is such an amazing way to describe nearly all idiots like that gun totin “non-racist”. It’s amazing how they always want it both ways. She didn’t deescalate anything.

A black mom and her black kid? OMG! That’s a horde! (Not.)

Yeah. Pulling a gun has never de-escalated a situation. Ever. You pull a gun to escalate a situation to a conclusion as fast as possible. Usually with little regard or understanding of what that conclusion might be. Pulling a gun is how you say “we are done talking about this, one way or another.”
