The defense was that it was covering black art. And like, okay, but FFS PRETEND THAT PEOPLE HAVE WORKING GODDAMNED EYES.
The defense was that it was covering black art. And like, okay, but FFS PRETEND THAT PEOPLE HAVE WORKING GODDAMNED EYES.
That’s all true! Good thing birth rates are declining and the scaremongering about having 10 billion people by 2100 seems to be all hot air :)
Rich people tend to have fewer children overall already. Dropping that number to zero wouldn’t accomplish much, as most of the world’s population growth is occurring in poorer countries among poorer segments of the population, as the number of children people have tends to decrease as their survival becomes more…
As long as we have immigration, the US will be fine. It’s other countries that are going to be fucked because of the limits they place on immigration, not to mention generally piss-poor integration that we see in many parts of Europe.
I question your assertion that the post-war Baby Boom was a result of “taxing the fuck out of corporations and the rich.”
Ahhhh, but that consumption point will be past my time.. In the meantime... I’ve got garlic and other spices.. lets go “hunt”!
As a Gen-Xer and a mom of one teenager, I heartily say that I don’t blame anyone who doesn’t see any incentive to procreate in this current atmosphere, Millennial or otherwise; and “eventually there won’t be enough cogs to keep the machine running!” is a really shitty rationale...
Yeah, I’m tired of people acting like infinite population growth is something to strive for. It can’t go up forever, and it’s better for it to stop gradually and (mostly) by choice instead of hitting a breaking point and suddenly collapsing via catastrophe.
Yes! People can’t complain about the declining birthrate and also be anti-immigration. Of course, they should also support parental leave and better maternal care, plus all the other stuff from the article, but more immigration is an easy short term solution.
My neighbor showed me the hospital bill for his recently born twins. The real surprise is when you think your insurance covers c-sections for multiples but they call it an elective c-section so they don’t have to pay. This is the most American thing that can possibly happen to a person besides dying from a treatable…
So, I have conflicting thoughts.
Cosign. I always shake my head at the handwringing over birth rates going down. We can’t even take care of the already born! Why do there need to be even more babies? They running low over at the Soylent factory?
Dear Humans,
There is something wrong with this study.
I’m 30, and my partner and I are pretty sure kids aren’t in the cards for us. We just have too much debt and make too little money and I am immensely not ok with the total lack of social safety net for families that’s become extremely obvious during the pandemic. I’ve felt like during the pandemic, we faired kinda ok?…
We wanted children, but were never successful. Over the years when people asked if we have children and I said “no”, it was so often followed by how children are one of life’s greatest joys, or “you should do it”. Now that I’m turning 40, I’m coming to the sobering realization that some people still don’t just stop at …
Exactly. Even countries with incredibly generous social support systems in place have seen their birth rates drop consistently over time.
My partner and I have "joke" about digging a paupers grave in the yard and shooting each other at the same time when it's time to "retire."
So it’s my responsibility to have a baby because I’m supposed to support other people in retirement even though I’m never going to get to have one?* I mean, I’m not one of those people who’s unwilling to pay taxes in to support the public good. I’m happy to pay a higher tax rate (obviously based on income with…