
Sounds like a fine idea to me, can’t see why people wouldn’t want to do it!

This is the most “nextdoor.com”-related post and meta trend I’ve ever seen on Kotaku. I mean, play the game how you want, but damn 😂

That’s the problem with the popular notion of “freedom” in America: it’s all rights and no responsibilities. My right to swing my fist is absolute, your nose be damned.


to paraphrase someone from the last article, if you absolutely must be pregnant and refuse adoption or any other form of being a parent, your goal is not to become a parent but simply to breed, and in the current situation, that’s happening at the expense of others who truly need medical care and attention. frankly,

My dad, thankfully, gets it now. I spent the better part of 2-3 weeks reading him article after article about how terrifyingly serious this thing is. I think it finally sank in when it took like 27 days for the death toll in the US to reach 1,000. And then three days for it to reach 2,000. But for like three weeks

The 2020 Darwin Awards will be UNPRECEDENTED.  

This is a great piece, and I’m still forever angry that the government would pay reparations to the “owners” for the loss of their slaves, but not to the slaves for the loss of their labor. You are right, though, calculating the value of reparations becomes very easy with this model.

Thank you, Natalie!

And DC residents are still, somehow, totally screwed with having a voice in the federal government.

That’s what I originally thought about hiking, until it was explained that it still will encourage people to travel unnecessarily, and if they get hurt now they’re taking up resources in the hospital- PLUS the parks and outdoor spaces are already packed with white folks so opening a trail or a golf course will make it

...surprised there aren’t a few police response APCs enforcing the social distancing via water cannons.

I say let them catch the virus to own the libs.

“Take” is a core conservative value.

I sincerely hope they all die.

There’s a side by side of this with a poster for Shaun of the Dead. So good eye!

That’s a screenshot from a fucking zombie movie and you can’t convince me otherwise.

And in Ohio.....  I hope some of those ugly ass mouth breathers in the Trump hats are super spreading COVID-19 to all their dumb ass CroMagas. 

TBH, smarmy describe Schlafley pretty well in general. She was an accomplished troll, starting every press conference by stating that her husband gave her permission to be there.

“But according to Mrs. America, Schlafly already has.”