How, then, do Asian racists manage to accidentally hit on the exact same “pickaninny” cues white southerners made famous?
How, then, do Asian racists manage to accidentally hit on the exact same “pickaninny” cues white southerners made famous?
East Asians have never had a high opinion of black people and our features. But they will worship any old white person. So this over privileged racist wanker is acting true to form.
I am not buying that “I am Chinese so was unfamiliar with racism” crap. I do not know why Huang thought that garbage would fly. She is a student of fashion in America. I imagine she has a cell phone and internet access. You have to be somewhat cosmopolitan to be a fashion designer, certainly the ones that get their…
I went to China this past fall, and racially, there’s no diversity. I didn’t even see a black person until we went to Shanghai (the 5th and final city on our trip). So, I could kind of almost see this argument working for a Chinese native who’s always lived in China. But, if this person graduated from FIT, then…
What the fuck is that abomination you have for the lead image?
The native of China did not appear to understand the racial overtones of his work.
The avant-garde bus crashed off the cliff a long time ago.
The fashion world has always been fucked up and full of fucked up egos. They make the marketing department look like paragons of reason.
I’ve been told by more than a few people that my fashion sense is quite good.
Just saw the trailer for Lovebirds this morning before a showing of Birds of Prey. Kumail and Issa are a pairing that I did not know I wanted until now. I hope it turns out as good as the trailer makes it look.
“People of color are struggling too much in 2020 for the promoters not to have vetted and cleared accessories for the shows,” she said.
Back four years ago, him openly mocking the disabled was scandalous. Now he’s suborned the Senate and got McConnell sniffing the glove, they’ve stacked the election deck by spiking the entire process, and he’s literally using the DOJ as his personal enforcers—and nobody bats an eye.
To paraphrase some racist Disney crows, “I been done seen ‘bout everything when I seen the Impeached President* learn!”
Suicide isn’t really recognized as a mortal sin anymore - the pope has said that it’s usually a product of mental illness and therefore the person does not have full capacity to make the decision, so they can’t be faulted for it. He probably carved out exceptions for, like, murder-suicides.
Child molester says what!?
Tell that to the children who die of horrific abuses. Or those who grow up tormented by their abuse and turn to suicide or overdose. You can tell he has never considered the pain of any single human being.
Very interesting that he chose to go with that particular transgression.
Pedophilia absolutely kills people. They might want to damn a suicide to hell but a victim of CSA kills themselves I don’t believe that blood is on anybody’s hands but the people who did it and the people who ALLOWED it. Like fuckface clergy like this asshole. Not even to get into overdoses or accidental deaths from…