
Real life and movies are different.

No, Wikipedia isn’t a reliable source because only crazy liberals can edit articles, since about 10 years ago.

WTF is that thing?

Yes, DMCA pulldowns result in billions and billions of dollars in damages!

Are they known for launching spurious lawsuits?

At least we still have Ava Duvarney.


Especially math and babies and dogs.

> algorithm is just a piece of code.

So Islam’s accomplishments now go from “1" to “zero.”

“besides keep your money local, real bodegas are much more than giant vending machines; they might sell you a loose cigarette, a dirt-cheap coffee, or a fresh egg sandwich.”

Bodegas can only make money on black market cigarettes.

Maybe Ava DuVarnay can take his place?

Have you seen how fat women are these days?

Alleged sexual assault.

You’re right. Maybe he can go bankrupt and get on welfare.

Maybe that’s because you’re a culturally illiterate piece of shit?


Neat. But why stop there?

Dear Noble Retard -