
Once again, the shitty political writing on the AV Club tried to write based on what they see on their Twitter feed. Authorities have also not called this terrorism. We don’t know the murderer’s motivation at all.

Terrorism has a definition: The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.

I bet the (currently) 58 people dead are stoked that their deaths are being used as fodder for AVClub to ridicule Trump’s speech.

“The words “domestic terrorist” were not invoked.”

The unintended consequences of “everyone should go to college”.

No thanks - I’m too busy looking for a website on which to discuss music, movies and tv shows. This whole “snowflakes vs nazis” silliness is a tremendous waste of time, and suitable only for those with nothing better going on in their lives

I am no big fan of Harry Knowles, but I find it very strange that allegations and accusations are apparently enough for somebody to get kicked out of an organization, get blackballed professionally etc. Whatever happened to ‘innocent until proven guilty’? If these are instances of serious, criminal misconduct why

Finally, our long national nightmare that we didn’t know we were having because it went unreported for 20 years is over.

The show is also “guys who wrote the mummy, transformers nd batman and robin adjacent.” And unlike fuller they are still involved.

Considering she won’t be spendng the rest of the series in jail, I’m poretty sure we aren’t supposed to like her taking the fall. That’s just the big bad government squelching her Randian awesomeness.

Ugh. That was some SJW crap. A female officer named Micheal. See girls can have traditional boys name. Yay! Oh look the smartest person on the the ship is a black woman. Yay! SJW power! See this 2 physically weaker human girls kick the asses of 300 lbs Klingon warriors in hand to hand combat. Yay!

I guess I’m the only person here who didn’t like it. Ah well. Enjoy. I’ll stick with The Orville.

I liked The Orville better.

I liked The Orville better.

The joke is that he is so obese that he cannot stand

Couldn’t she have just moved 3 feet back from his chair?

This blog post is coming from someone that probably has never in their life written an actual algorithm, let alone one that takes big data on various different cultures and lifestyles and uses that to advertiser it’s other platform.

Stupid Facebook. They obviously don’t know the proper method to deal with those images.

“It sucks.”

Damn, you guys are really into Twitter!