
Dear Katie: Why would he call it terrorism?

No no no, this was a white man so the commentardiat must make false comparisons.

Fully automatic weapons are illegal, you fucking moron.

But it’s not terrorism if there was no political motivation, moron.

No, it’s almost as if there’s a word to describe politically motivated acts of violence.

You are a genuine piece of shit.

You’re a grade A retard.

It’s almost like all those useless degrees women are getting caused a glut in the employment market!

Not when you adblock the shit out of it.

Should Dr. Tyson be doing some original research or something, since he’s literally never done anything of any note except act autistic on twitter?

LOL. Harry looked on the outside the way every AC club commentator is on the inside.

The AVClub: Where liberal male geeks come to jerk each other off over the destruction of pop culture franchises.


So better than the salt monster in TOS, huh?

It’s the complete opposite.

So parties actually means “circle jerks,” right?

He’s literally in a rascal scooter, and his arms are about 2 feet long. Also, Harry smells like shit, all the time.

I use it because I like to be sent random rape threats.

Perhaps if this dopey woman hadn’t been threatening to rape people on instagram this never would have happened.

Did you get enough internet points to sooth your tortured soul?