
Maybe she should move to India.


As a rule, if you use the epithet “dipshit” it’s safe to assume that you are a low-testosterone manlet who, while pale and skinny, also sports a double chin and manboobs. Also, you will never get anything but pity sex.

The amount of money that has been spent, by liberals, to coddle the useless, could have been used to colonize the solar system by now.

How long do not-white people think they’re going to be able to shit on white men before they provoke white men to a response?

You can’t murder a dog, moron.

Yeah, but Chinese people do eat dogs.

Newsflash: Mexican isn’t a race.

You’re full of shit.

What the fuck do you think “class warfare” means, comrade?

Communists are empirically worse than Nazis.

You claimed that some massive group of people who have criticized Trump are somehow demonized and forced to apologize.

while literally anyone that says anything against them has to apologize and grovel for fear of an angry backlash from mouth-breathing morons is.

Enterprise is great, and this show is going to flop.

Says a member of the Outrage Brigade.

If Reddit banned LGBTQ subs, you’d be shitting your pants.

She knows that this is way more Trek than Discovery will ever be, and it grates.

LOL. This is parody, right?


^^ Someone doesn’t understand “tax rates.”