
Oh, that explains it!

Do you have manboobs?

Michael Bay is capable of great films, like Pain and Gain and that Benghazi movie.




lmao, you really do need to be deported.

“factual comment is vile”

OK, cholo.

Deport yourself.

Fuck you.

Liberals will never normalize eating bugs, no matter how hard they try.

There aren’t enough nerd women to support your feminist stupidity at the box office.

I’m going to start using this the next time one of you ‘tards start sperging out about Trump.

Literally do not give a single shit about your opinion on anything, especially this.

There is literally nothing worse than a shrill, self-righteous woman scolding me.


But the whole theory is that she’s traumatized by the rape so she covers up Coop’s face in dimension X.

The problem with this theory is that the real Diane gladly plants a big passionate kiss on the Coop with zero reservations.

Just to be clear: are you under the misapprehension that any of your posts have exhibited the slightest wit?