

So how do you smash patriarch?

I thought it was more of an accurate observation.

No, it will be a source of constant delight.


You: “Rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape.”

You think discussing race in regards to the work of David Lynch is interesting or meaningful?

Then be irrelevant.

They could have made it a law when they had a sympathetic president.

LOL. Native American. LOOOOOOOOOOL

If I were convinced of the correctness of x or y position, I don’t think I’d need constant (smug) positive reinforcement.

I offered a critique.



  • Naido being reduced to a placeholder for Diane is another example of Lynch’s clumsy sidelining of non-white characters. In this case, she’s not even a character, but a symbol of a character.


That’s what I find so bizarre. Essentially every website is some version of “the Resistance” these days. It’s almost as if the modern left needs constant reassurance that their position is the correct one, for some reason.....

Here in the hallowed halls of the AV CLUB?!?!?

You’ve now run through every typical form of projection in the book, pooped out the standard retorts, and proven yourself a common species of comment barnacle.

And yet it keeps lashing out...