
I’m mocking you.

I remember sort-of enjoying this site many years ago. Then the articles took a dive, and the comments starting reading like The Huffington Post, and just nope.

LOL. Insinuated? I thought your fantasy above about receiving sexual favors at a Port-a-Potty made it pretty clear that you were gay.

It’s fun to poke the hive, and wait for the Queen Bee. You are definitely the queeniest so far.

LOL. At least you didn’t call it the “tired liberal groupthink canard.”

Alternate Headline: Time Exists.

“I have an uninformed opinion, which pleases me.”

Ending DACA is the right thing to do, and a tasty way to do it.

Hey! A girl!

Maybe. But the AV Club commentariat have always been slightly-smarter-than-average progressive nancies working miserable desk jobs whilst dreaming of being the next Kubrick, if only they could finish that screenplay they’ve been working on since that one time they took a screenwriting class in their State College.

Wait, are you George Michael’s Filthy Ghost, or the Lisa Simpson wannabe?


LOL. You are now the fifth AV Clubber to point this out!

Ah, Pedophile Copyeditor MacWannabee, the human Apple Dictionary! Thanks for noticing!

Let me guess. You self-identify as Lisa Simpson.

Well, at least you use AIDS as an insult. You’re OK with me, Fatty McOliverPeoples!

You didn’t get the neo-Nazi dog whistle, huh? Color me surprised!

There he is! The “Word Cop who Hates Police.” Love it!

Perfect! “The Social Justice Scold.” Thanks for checking in!

Stay in the Caribbean Islands.