
I am laughing out loud at your last point. I yelled about this every week! There’s no way, with all that money and influence, that these teachers would have been allowed to bumble through this bully/abuse situation for weeks. And how is it even possible when they hired an aide specifically to monitor Ziggy and

Oh man, the reaction from Celeste. Not just towards Jane, but towards her son. When she was driving home, I was afraid she was going to explode. But the way she went to her son, and embraced him, and told him “We all do bad things, I can help you, but you have to tell me.” I wanted to cry. She doesn’t want her boy

You are not alone. And yes, it is messed up that they went murder on the orient express instead of letting the women tell the truth that they were afraid for their lives. I mean, Perry is a homicidal maniac who assaulted four women.

Yes, Nicole Kidman really is wonderful. I have a friend who sent me an article once when I complained about her acting ability and summed it up for me as “It’s not about breadth, it’s about depth. Kidman can’t play a wide variety of roles, but for the ones she does play she accesses deep, complicated emotions, and

And the third time when she pukes right on Bonnie, Bonnie was like “God Dammit!” I loved seeing her flip out after trying to be so calm and yet understanding Madeline’s reaction.

I loved that they were covering for Bonnie and making it an accident even though the cause of death was clearly her pushing him but I thought of it more as women coming together as women and them just being grateful to her for freeing Celeste. It didn’t even occur to me that as a black woman, Bonnie would have a

Celeste’s face when Jane says that she’d considered the possibility that violence was part of Ziggy’s DNA because of his father - the near-instant connection of dots and quiet devastation. Nicole Kidman is a way better actress than I’ve previously given her credit for.

I like every single one of these actresses even more after this show.

Kidman’s going to take them all.

“Does anyone even work there except the guy in the glasses?”

This is my new favorite picture on the internet

Seriously, was it that impossible to locate Annabella’s assailant? After WEEKS of playground harassment? Also wouldn’t Celeste’s son have exhibited other warning signs prior to this? I pretty forgave all those messy details because at least it gave us an excellent performance by Laura Dern. Her bat-shit crazy was

The Wolf of Wall Street was definitely overindulgent white male bullshit. You might feel differently about this show if you gave it a watch, it’s really not what you think if you’re going by the WoWS. The characters are great(even though they’re not all the best people) and they do an outstanding job of portraying a

Exactly. The romantic relationships were secondary. I think more and more women want to see that than the traditional happily ever after.

But the puke was SO GREEN!!!!

I loved how the final scene was just the women together on the beach. We don’t know what happened with their romantic relationships, but it almost doesn’t matter because their bond is the more meaningful one.

There are lots of serious commentary and discussions about this show but someone remind me the next time I drink too much to instead use Nathan’s term, “mis-drank.”

That ending was masterful and poignant and conveyed so much with zero dialogue. When the women left the men behind and stopped allowing the men to dictate how they should feel, all the competitive nastiness evaporated and they realized they were all on the same side.

My favorite part of the series is when Madeline (Reese’s character) pukes all over the table at the dinner hosted by her ex-husband and his new wife after hearing the news that their daughter planned to auction her virginity for charity. It.was.awesome.