
Wow. You’re so selfless! Instead of having an abortion you’d just put the kid up for adoption! I mean, sure, they could end up being one of the 428,000 kids in the foster care system on any given day OR maybe they will just suffer from self-esteem/identity development issues that so commonly plague adopted children.

So smart. So yum.

I would also be into a sex robot and I sort of hate myself for it.

But, dating is hard and complicated and I’d like a companion to say nice things to me. Idk how exactly a male-sex doll would work though - like women are supposed to be “passive” and “compliant” and all that so them just lying them makes sense. I’d been

...is this necessary because... they are cumming on its face?

I can’t open that link but I was wondering about this.

As a woman, I can honestly say I’d never been interested in sex with robots but... if they can talk suddenly I am more interested. Like, maybe we just cuddle a lot and then he tells me that I’m smart and valuable. I could get into that.

...I have started investing a lot in camping supplies. I don’t really ever go camping but uh, yea. Prepping is real.

This is sort of more in response to the troll than you but I hate replying to them so:

While I happen to think Drumpf’s spoken words are almost as unintelligible as his transcribed words, I agree there’s a lot lost through the text.

I was a transcriptionist and once you’ve worked in that field for a while, you start to

Well, women win custody cases where the father isn’t also asking for custody.

I have so much of her (Vittadini) stuff from thrift stores I can’t even tell you. Got some CUTE black lace up boots of hers...

I’m sorry, what did I write that was asshole-y?

Were we not sharing anecdotes? What makes me an asshole?

Yea that’s what I meant.

I decided to go do something much harder and less enjoyable because I didn’t want to deal with intellectual dickbags.

Does nobody else think CBS did this on purpose to raise awareness about Trans issues? Like I hate to be so cynical but I think they had probably talked to Zeke and Varner about all of this before the show even started and offered them both MAD DOLLARS to participate.

He’s in the Mighty Boosh and I just love him to pieces. We’re like a Noel Cult.

Yea, I thought we were all talking about anecdotes!?




I know a man who will tell you all day how “woke” he is but he straight up body-shamed the shit out of his beautiful girlfriend, never lifted a damn finger around the house, and will “well, actually” interrupt you all goddamn day. And all your good ideas were his ideas.

This guy is the worst guy.

She might be from a small town where a 6 is a 10. What is the saying, it’s like a New York 6 is a Midwest 10?

oikos is house in greek right? like the yogurt?

Fear of the home?

I googled it and I can’t even imagine how a fear of household objects could POSSIBLY work its way into not one but two blog posts.