
Yeah I know a lot of men who won’t get vasectomies because they are very attached to the idea of being fertile as part of their maleness or manhood. Many of them don’t really even think about it until it comes up with their female partners who don’t want any more kids and are tired of being the ones who have to take

Except then he could use both, greatly increasing the effectiveness. For anyone truly worried, multiple methods is always the best answer.

America will never see affordable, non-invasive male birth control ever. If there was male birth control, men would actually have to take responsibility for births and the government is completely hellbent on crushing women under the weight of that responsibility. We saw the male birth control pill get pulled because

Go back to the States and never worry about being on Maury show.

OMG, I slept with a guy once who was 27 and swore to me he’d had a vasectomy, so he didn’t need a condom. Good try there, buddy. Who knows how many women he knocked up? Yeah, men are weird about this. I’m with you.

There IS actually a stateside variant called Vasalgel that’s currently being developed by a nonprofit outfit called the Parsemus Foundation. They’ve done successful testing on rabbits, primates (and dogs, if I remember right). They’re aiming to start small clinical trials next year.

It seems insane that guys aren’t clamoring for this. I get it. No one wants the shot. But how much do you want 18 years of child support? Effective birth control for both men and women—making unplanned pregnancies that much more unlikely—could change society in ways we can’t yet even understand.

She can’t, currently, as she wasn’t born in US territory. God only knows what’s going to come down the dark, slimy pike concerning that, though.

Yup. Passive aggressive, like the pussy bow she wore to the debate. She makes incredibly deliberate fashion choices, as befits a woman who’s fluent in the language of fashion. And now she’s doing it in speeches. She’s not stupid. She’s a troll, just like husband.

Just because she didn’t marry for love and didn’t plan on becoming FLOTUS doesn’t make her sympathetic in my book. She knew what she was doing, saw the gold house, the vulgar manners and god knows what else and said, yeah, I’ll sign up for that. No one made her repeat birther claims ad infinitum, sue penniless

...and she speaks English almost as well as he does.

So what is her official title? Minder of the Presidential Dad? Chief of Anti-Sundowning? Fluffer? The fuck we call her?

Why on earth would she do that? I’m sure she’s flying back to NYC as we speak. Barron needs her, doncha know.

Or she wanted Barron to ensure twenty years of payouts like Marla/ Tiffany. In an interview about Melania, one of the nicer things Donald said is that he can trust her to use birth control. That’s love!

I’ve noticed a lot of nice good white ladies struggle to accept that not all other white ladies are nice and good like them, or need to create an avatar they feel can stand for their own feelings of outrage, violation and suffering (feelings which are totally justified IMHO) at the hands of Trumplethinskin. So it’s

When she went on tv back in the day to push her dumb jewelry or skin care line, she continued to openly and passionately push the birther bullshit. So fuck her. That #freeMelania meme was funny for like a day, but a giant middle finger to anyone who feels sorry for her.

So wait, she’s in DC right now? Is she... [GASP]... sleeping at the White House? ...With her husband?

LOL they don’t even sleep in the same room.

I despise Melanoma with every fiber of my being and is matched only by my repulsion for her husband. For anyone who wants to give her a pass, she is no victim, she has 100% agency, is smarter than her husband, and every bit as selfish, petty and vindictive.