
Actually, based on what he said, I dont think so. He just expressed his issues with the film he’s not trying to remake the damn thing. 

You know, some people also didn’t like The Last Jedi because it’s a structurally questionable movie with some bad writing and underdeveloped (or underused) characters.

one other problem is that as usual....People who dislike something are now being painted as being the same as the iddiotic racists and sexists that trolled this actress on twitter.

This physically hurt me.

Was this animated with 90s flash? It looks terrible.

Big question though.

No no no! I want immediate gratification now!

Working on getting the Obama Foundation and presidential library seems like a good use of his time to me. Also that time off? Well earned. I hope he and his family enjoyed every second of it.

‘You know I’ve read the scripts, right? I do know what happens and that’s not what happens.’”

Point of pedantic order: I really think the term “x-splaining” loses its meaning when it becomes a synonym for any condescension. I thought “x-splaining” was specifically the instance when someone of group x tries to tell a member of group y how he or she should feel.


I don’t think Star Wars needs more sex. Straight or LGBT.

How do you rip off a clipping mask?

You weren’t only disagreeing with me. You knew exactly what I was talking about, and you decided to get snarky just because you could.

Tyler, who turned out to be evil. Stamets, who kept secrets and was an a-hole to everyone. Admiral Cornwell, who was less evil and more borderline incompetent. LT Landry, who tried to torture a new life form and let her security officers jump Burnham. And Burnham, who when we first meet her, mutinied and started a war

No, the io9 just wants to shit on Star Trek Discovery any chance they can get for page clicks so they are reporting on a controversy they invented.

Um,... Trying to explain this series to anyone. First problem is if you need to explain anything about Star Trek. It’s usually pretty self explanatory. The captain is kind of a dick. Oooh! That’s different. Nope sucks balls. The main character is a human raised by Spock’s dad for some reason. Oooh! that could be

Sorry. No. Being serialized didn’t make an appearance at the Trekkie complaint meeting about STD.

Power point slides one through fifteen were about the Klingons.

Was serialization really that controversial, compared to all the other problems STD had/has?

Could be the lower half?