
To be fair, Moorcock finally got over his adolescent criticism of Tolkien and said nice things about him later on. His "epic pooh" essay always struck me as more the rebellious strutting of a (relatively) successful new author and magazine editor than anything argued with true conviction.

In my head, Norrell is still Michael Gambon and Strange is Christopher Eccleston, but I won't say I'm not dying to watch this.

I don't agree with the misogynistic attacks.

How do you know who the majority of Gamergate is?

I have had stalkers and restraining orders issued in the past, I have had people show up on my doorstep when my personal information was HARD to get. To have my location revealed to the world would give a entry point for a few mentally ill people who have fixated on me, and allow them to show up and make good on the

Hooray for equality?

Hey, it worked for Salinger, didn't it?

Coppola's "Bram Stoker's 'Dracula'", which had strong sympathetic elements, has a 79% at Rotten Tomatoes, fwiw.

nobody should be creeping on these two making out in the first place...

I know most people don't care about using language properly, but technically pedophilia is a preference for prepubescent kids, not just "young people in general." Ellie was 14, which means she's past puberty and, from a biological perspective, ready to mate with. Having sex with a girl like Ellie would be completely

It's pretty silly to let stuff like a game's plot get in the way of having fun as a couple.

How about No. Couples have the right to cosplay any duo they want! I understand the social moral issues, but if you don't like their choice? Don't photograph them as a couple kissing and holding hands! Photograph them, in character and the " issue" is resolved..
This article post is just rude an judgmental. Can we

People who like his films and think he is knowledgeable about films and are interested in his opinion on films? For example?

It was a great movie.

You're not paying attention here. These things were directly stated in the film! You're just sticking your fingers in your ears at this point and pretending nothing is being said. Remember when I said your credibility was dwindling? Kiss it goodbye.

You're just ignoring other people's points now. You're repeating the same things over and over without acknowledging counterpoints, and that is very poor debate form at best. Your credibility is dwindling.

First off, I don't begrudge people if they don't like Avatar. I do realize that the movie is not for everyone, but then again no movie is. We all have different tastes.

I never really understood the "hate" Avatar gets sometimes. The movie wasn't exactly Shakespeare, but I still thought it was entertaining. Personally, I'm interested in a sequel, particularly because Josh Friedman is involved, and TSCC was an awesome show.

Don't presume to think for me. I was not "getting at" feminists; if anything, the focus groups in Hollywood are just as bad for this sort of thing. Targeting women with crap like "chick flicks" and "romcoms" and whatnot.

Okay...this is part of the problem right here (not picking on you, Charlie Jane): "Given how important Wonder Woman is..."