
Eldritch Horror” is more streamlined than Arkham Horror (albeit it doesn’t deal with the narrative randomness I find immersion breaking), “Elder Sign” is basically Arkham Horror lite with no map and the same amount of story happens in little over an hour.

Isn’t calling Ravnica “techno-magical” because of the Izzet and maybe the Simic a bit off, like calling it a“gothic fantasy” because of the Undercity and all the Golgari and Dimir horrors would be? :)

In that line, I get where they were going with the representation on that cover, but I think a marvellous and diverse ci


I think you are right, but I can't agree with half of the reasons - there's nothing "ordinary" about a space princess and notorious smuggler, they are both "high level" characters, highly empowered by the narrative logic.

Great parallel with DS9! I felt (and I think even commented around io9) similar concern immediately after watching one of the trailers. I think it's obvious at that point that that particular screenwriter clique is too busy building small-time drama to care about worldbuilding and the positive representation of the

I'm pretty sorry.

But you should include a disclaimer next time: This being a discussion board, people will be trying, you know, to discuss you points, rather than seeing them as divine truth that in your belief cannot be challenged logically.

It seems to me that you must have some very wicked angle dissing people for being fanboys here at io9.

Yeah. I mean just that - Doing "the right thing" is usually heavily problematized in Star Trek narrative and the characters are often presented with the option to follow the code or break it, in latter case either following the right "spirit" of this code or going to extremes.

That's why even though the drama isn't

Even then, he would have had a space Moran.

I try not to be judgmental, but it seems to me that "Starfleet is not about vendetta.." - "Maybe it should be" and "I've no idea what I'm supossed to do, I only know what I can do" goes against everything in the franchise before the new movies.

Hope those are just flashy lines.

I absolutely love it when, in newspaper stories about scams - here in Bulgaria, the journalists use "мнимата врачка" which roughly translates as "the false fortuneteller". As if we had an institution that tells the real ones from the quacks.

I absolutely agree: I was equally surprised to read that the lack of hard biological lineage meant the family, which is strictly social term, didn't matter, all this from an anthropologist?

I'm rather disturbed, seeing that the abrahamic religions may have done great job teaching the world touchiness, right to the point where angry mobs make hateful remarks about making money from a swimsuit with the image of goddess of fertility and wealth...

I'm with you on all comments about dumbing-down a distinctive childhood hero such as April. And I - being a man, or boy back then - could say in retrospect that she was sexy enough as she was. But the "fat cow" element of the article really ruined it for me. Beat me with sticks and stones, but I'm really looking

I surely hope not.

Hooray for robots!

@The_Sporean_Bob: Neverwhere: the script came before Neverwhere the book. Personally, I wouldn't recommend the series to any fan of the book, but if you see the series first or you can digest low budget britishness, it's still good, although somewhat lacking.

This new 42 thing is kinda bothering me. What about the Ancients, did they forgot about their steam-powered ship and its mission when they ascended? Or the answer is the same thing that leads to right where and what they are right now? It bothered me the first time the idea of another(?) godlike alien race appeared,

@stalking_goat: More likely, because SGU is not in the same universe as SG1 and Atlantis. It happens in the alternative Dramaverse, where even the pulpish heroes have lost their superknacks and would be as useless as anybody on the flying junkyard.