
This is a weird comment.

I might get flak for this but I didn’t get the criticism surrounding the original. If you had an idea of what the joker looked like and didn’t like the first take that’s fine. But the people saying he looks like costume joker or just a guy with a suit and makeup, maybe I’m wrong here but that’s literally what he is.

It is the same misogynistic, xenophobic, racist trash that poisons literally all discourse in America. Just pig-ignorant, angry men who feel everything in this world should cater to their own narrow perspective.

Season 2 of Disco was a pretty marked improvement over S1 for me, though admittedly that’s a fairly low bar. A lot of that had to do with Anson Mount as Pike, which makes me a bit nervous about the show going forward, but we’ll see. It started to feel like the creators had a better handle on Trek’s philosophy, though

Nah, it’s the internet, how else am I going to waste away the morning deliberately trying not to do any work.

Also you say it’s amazing, I’ve said why I can’t exactly get into it, why not tell me why you think that it’s amazing rather than giving me the ol’ Elsa treatment?

I watched the first episode of Season 2, because it was free on YouTube.

This is someone in PR with a budget that’s too big and oversight that’s too small. I get it, the guy was in Rent. I don’t have anything against DSC but I find I’m getting mad about it because I:

In the case of actual crimes and criminal proceedings we have a vast yet flawed legal system designed to determine guilt and appropriate recompense.

All accusations should be taken seriously, and those that are wronged should be empowered to come forward if the worst happens. All accusers should not, however, be instantly believed. That’s not how our society has decided to handle guilt. Those who constructed our legal system did so with the belief that it’s better

Okay, first, we did that performance in 2002. Second, unless you have proof, stop spreading gross exaggerations and outright lies. I was the one who dated Roy between 2005 and 2011, and seeing as my birthday is in 1985, that would make me *gasp* 20 when we started dating. If we were as close as you claim we were (and

Why are they trying to make us like Space-Hitler from an Alternate dimension?

Well that sounds fucking dumb. That isn’t Star Trek at all, exploring a darker side of the federation is interesting only in comparison, and her character is cartoonishly evil BY DESIGN; what possibly good stories could that involve?

This is because Doom wasn’t “pixel art”. They were low-res, like pixel art, but they were digitized images - photos of some clay sculptures that had been made. There was some editing done later (all the possessed were made by editing the Doomguy images, a lot were recolored as well) but there’s an underlying

You haven’t missed anything.

Nah. It was pretty shit. It’s just that the first seasons of TNG ENT and VOY were even worse. I’d put S1 of DIS on par with S1 of DS9.

Oh, Discovery fans.

It’s become all-too-common for self-proclaimed “fans” of genre franchises— who feel an inexplicable ownership of fictional characters they had no part in the creation of...

Because her costume and hair look terrible, it’s hard to tell if her skin is orange or not, her powers were changed from Starbolts to fire, and it’s just one more irritation in a trailer full of tone-deaf irritation.

I feel bad for her, not only for the horrible comments but also for how terrible the show has made her look onscreen.