

Thank you, when Gawker went down the toilet I was happy. It really drove me up the walls taking a work break, checking out Jalopnik only to have some insanely NSFW images show up on the side.

I remember pulling up my credit card records and looked at a random week in where I owned the car. What you’d typical see was M/W/Sa, 76 Gas Station, $66, $59, $74. I was literally filling that thing up thrice a week.

Can someone remind me what’s so interesting about burnouts again?

I cant see that turn at that speed ever having been successful.

I’m more upset that it’s not the video from which the gif originated from.

Which pixel is the alligator?

Volvo 240DL


I’ll be honest. Once you floor it, make heads turn with glorious music, etc etc, you realize something...

I went there! Cool church.

It’s crazy.

I didn’t see this on fb.


Thank you.

Can someone help me understand why animals run TOWARDS massive, heavy, loud moving objects?

Is it me or does this thing look like an Accord?

Um, there is nothing wrong with this.

You can’t be serious.

??? What decade were these pictures taken?