I can certainly be faulted for painting you with a broad brush without supporting evidence. Hopefully you understand that my observation was directed towards the larger community of ‘journalists’ you have joined.
I can certainly be faulted for painting you with a broad brush without supporting evidence. Hopefully you understand that my observation was directed towards the larger community of ‘journalists’ you have joined.
I have to admit - I’m tiring of these “here’s what I spent on x car” videos.
My brief Lambo dreams from this article were quickly crushed by the realization that any such crash will probably take my bank account with it.
eat your oatmeal like a dignified person
911 prices coming down?
On second thought, maybe I keep the Ranger so that I can tow it across country when I need to get it worked on. Thanks for the warning, I almost made a huge mistake!
I am sure I am about to sound like a tool, but $38k for an alpha 10 treatment is a pretty nice price.
...it’s a juvenile crew of writers that never seem to mature. This certainly isn’t as bad as blurred but still visible naked people f’ing (in the headline they used the actual word) in the Trump tower article a few weeks ago. Apparently it’s cool to be unprofessional.
You may be right... but they can still act professional.
No, I dont think its ok, I hate the headlines Gizmodo and her sister sites put up. Its like reading Reddit sometimes. You are a journalist... be professional, anyone can put a curse word in a headline, a journalist doesnt need them.
“John survived, but Delbert did. John died last November at the age of 98. Today, remains will be interred in the remnants of Arizona’s No. 4 turret today, according to the Washington Post.”
I call bullshit. I’m at my desk at a federal agency right now, and I’m dumb as a brick.
I had a train horn on my old Outback. It was pretty hilarious. I almost NEVER honked it, though (and I could toggle back to stock horns when I wanted to). However, when I did have to use it, it WORKED. People would stop merging into me, or stop turning in front of me. It was nice having a horn that people actually…
How to make a Land Cruiser faster than a Lambo? Simple. Race off-road.
Radar operator: Capt, there is a giant flock of birds traveling at Mach 2 coming towards us.
It was almost down there for a quarter of a Sentra-y.
Stealing this from YouTube to get stars here.
Bondo, James Bondo.