Volunteer Falcon
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You inspired me to go searching for these commercials. I stumbled on this. My favorite are his sketches with Kanter. It made my Friday. Thank you.

I’m not here to defend Whiteside, but John Cena has won 16 World Championships and even he has a hard time staying engaged.

I’ve made it 36 years without setting foot in Las Vegas but this...this might entice me.

Here’s what playoff hockey in Montreal and Detroit looks like:

Jesus Gronk, even if you like him, he’s still just a veterinarian. Go to a people doctor.

He was too good. The Marlins couldn’t trade him so they had to kill him.

Only a millenial would complain so much about being called a millenial.

You didn’t pass the hallway test.

Dude, it’s a hypothetical (and I wrote 11 p.m.—as in when you’re burning the midnight oil). It’s simply another way of saying “if you would dread running into this person in the course of doing your job, don’t hire them.”

Jets/Preds was great OT too, even if no one scored.

I think it’s important to realize that the public tends not to see all the evidence, hear all the testimony, etc. We can’t assume that the public opinion of highly publicized cases is always getting it “right”. In the cases of OJ, Zimmerman, etc - it’s not just the evidence we saw and the testimony we heard that

David David David.

It’d be cool to see more of him.

I have an entire room for fucking. It’s called your mom’s bedroom! HIYO! Gimme me my stars.

Just want to point out for example, the walkman was released in the US in the 1980s. While for example you might have thought there’s a massive difference between someone born in 1982 having to use a “walkman” or a “discman” - and someone in 1995 growing up with an iPod - it’s not really. It’s just a further

Man that is messed up, and right after he shoots Richie Incognito, I really think we need to take his guns away from him.

I am the #1 Dad!

When finally reached for comment, Wendy’s was notably frosty.

He chose the shoes that he felt would put his feet in the best position to succeed.

Perhaps this will save anyone else the time of looking it up - he was paid nearly $44M to play baseball.