Volunteer Falcon


Everything you just mentioned was part of my childhood too? I was born in 91.

That is gen z? This is what is so dumb. People that are so frustrated to be consider millenials are mad because they think they are being grouped together with gen z.

So that means anyone born in the early 90s. I didnt have access to internet until I was about 5 or 6 and even then it wasnt worth using until I was in middle school.

It is going to be one hell of a series if these two meet up in the playoffs. - Preds Fan

You sound like a completely miserable person. I also work in the non-union private sector and I can tell you not all jobs are so ridiculous that you can’t get up and speak to a co worker with out the fear of not completing your task and getting fired. Also, way to be condescending to teachers and the work they do. I

Now playing

Trump didn’t win only because of racism. Yes Trump is racist, sexist and pretty much every other shitty thing possible but he won because he fooled middle class Americans into thinking he could bring manufacturing job backs and help make insurance cheaper for them. Of course this was all a lie and they never should

Thank you for finally writing an article about the Predators. I’m still wondering where the articles are about David Poile becoming the winningest GM in NHL history, or the fact that the Preds just rattled off 10 straight victories which is a franchise record, or the fact that Rinne is having the season of his life

This is insane. The whole time I was watching this video it reminded me of a co worker who is Mormon and speaks fluent Spanish after his mission in Puerto Rico. It is definitely shocking to see a 350 pound ginger from the hills of North Carolina speak Spanish so fluently.

I scrolled all the way down for this hoping someone was as frustrated with the cliff hanger as I was.

Never had a real job in his life!

The reason I am against banning semi-auto rifles is not because of some perceived threat of an African American uprising. I am terrified of our government and want the ability to defend myself and my community against a government I see inching closer and closer towards nazism. I do agree that change must happen and

This seems super low for a pitcher that was in CY Young contention.

Cape Cop Bay?

I had a rough year last year while rooting for the following teams:

This is an extremely shitty take. Nothing like stooping down to there level. Especially since Rand is one of the more moderate conservatives when it comes to civil liberties. But yeah fuck him because he doesn’t think the same way I do.

They also screwed me in fantasy. I lost by 1 point because of that touchdown by the chief’s defense.

What is going on with the ads on the site today? I can’t read through one article or watch one video without it jumping to the next video ad and interrupting what I was doing?!!

I honestly thought it was a screen shot from 2k at first.

Gah I just wish Steve Nash could have won one with him.