Volunteer Falcon

Not a good year for this ATL Falcons and Nash Predator fan. I even told my wife when they made the finals that I sure hope they don’t  break my heart like the Falcons did. Man I wish I was wrong.

To me it was goaltender interference because right before he took the last shot he shoved Anderson into the back of the net with his shoulder then retrieved the puck that was right outside the crease and put it in.

“when you’ve been hit with injuries worse than any other team”

THANK YOU! Im over this anti marijuana propaganda.

I am glad I’m not the only one that felt this way. Preds make franchise history with the sweep over the number one seed in the West and all we get is Arvidsson gets laid out.

Because Gaddafi was planning on only selling oil for gold dinars and not the US dollar as well as trying to talk oil rich countries to follow suit. This would have devalued the dollar as well as messed with the federal reserves and central banking systems (Rothschilds) of all major countries.

So only people from large cities opinions matter? Because with out the electoral college the people from rural counties opinions would never be heard. Politicians would only pass laws that benefit people from large cities. Whether you want to believe it or not rural America was not satisfied with the last 8 years.

Thank you for having a calm discussion with me about some of the issues we have with our country. It was actually refreshing. 

“whole country” was an ignorant statement on my part because a country will never totally agree. That is why I would like for our local and state governments to have more power because they are the ones that actually align closer with the beliefs of their constituents. That is the reason we were separated into states

I really wish this was possible with out war but the Federal Government will never release the power it has collected over the years. Don’t get me started on the Federal Reserves all around the world that would never allow this to happen either.

The reason she lost is because she didn’t win the majority of the counties in the US. She didn’t represent the whole country just the large cities.

Or you know you could fight for State laws to have more authority than the Federal Government like the South tried back in 1865. Democrats continue to give the Federal Government more and more power then flip their shit when the power is used against them.

I literally read all the way down this post just to see if anyone else had the Titans on here. Can I please get a Super Bowl win for the ATL Falcons or the TN Titans (Live in TN 2 hours from ATL and Nash). For the love of God?