Russia is in the midst of economic and demographic crisis. Oil prices are still way too low, and birty rates are far too low to match their early death rates.
Russia is in the midst of economic and demographic crisis. Oil prices are still way too low, and birty rates are far too low to match their early death rates.
The are essentially the same thing
If the former is the case I’ll be happy to follow. I think I’ve about had it with Gawker’s antics the past couple months.
Russia has long and ongoing conflicts with groups in the Caucasus, and Chechen extremists have been linked to ISIS. The 2002 Moscow theater incident and 2004 Beslan school siege would be some of the more famous examples of terrorism in contemporary Russia, but there are smaller bombings, attacks, and kidnappings.…
Actually, spending “sanely” on one’s military should necessarily included owning enough munitions so they can perform their jobs.
For the over 9,000... Time...
Kinda like your buddy who “spends sanely” at the bar & always makes you buy drinks.
The Middle East has been throughly destabilized since the fall of the Ottoman Empire due to that debacle for humanity that was WWI. Saddam Hussein was not going to live forever. At some point we would have arrived at the current situation quite naturally
If you think Russia was in Syria to fight ISIS you’re missing a lot of shit. You’re completely blind to the reasons why terrorists continues to find fresh blood to use, but then again you don't seem like the kind of person who has any experience or knowledge of what life is like for people living in an active war zone…
Yeah, because the Middle East hasn’t been a god forsaken tinder box the last 1,000 years...
So, ignoring international law, you think killing civilians is going to help? You’re literally helping groups like isis write their recruiting material: “look! They’re coming here to kill everyone, why not help us go attack them?!”
If you’re this brilliant and obviously that troubled (I’ve hit some tough shit and bailed on a degree myself) — Don’t give up like that. If you’re looking for military contract money then keep trying and build some prototypes- the military buys cool ideas from people. Build a proof of concept and you’ll be paid to…
What’s funny is the common inlet/exhaust w/ a ramjet/scramjet is something I used on a design back in high school for the NASA Junior Aerospace Scholars Program.
I don’t have the description for it all still written down, but I do remember this being a multiple mode setup to allow it to be a LEO spacecraft where it…
If we want to start pulling back on our global footprint (bases, etc.), then high-speed hypersonic aircraft that can be based from the US become relevant. I don’t know if this particular aircraft is the right one, but it’s definitely something we need to consider. And at the end of the day, every weapon is going to…
Was going to add the same sentiment. History shows they are also cowards. Gulf War 1 and 2 showed that much.
I’m hearing Italy (seriously) has drawn up Libyan invasion plans...
Keep an eye on North Africa.
It’s unbelievable that the first ship in a two ship Class of major warships is not exactly perfect as it leaves the dock.