Actually, Chinese FN-6 was also confirmed in use, both by the rebels in Syria and the ISIL in Iraq. Iraqi Mi-24 was shot down by one of them. Also, a very much new SA-18 was confirmed as being used by the rebels.
Actually, Chinese FN-6 was also confirmed in use, both by the rebels in Syria and the ISIL in Iraq. Iraqi Mi-24 was shot down by one of them. Also, a very much new SA-18 was confirmed as being used by the rebels.
Ever been supported by one? It’s fucking terrifying and awesome all at the same time.
Ah, the C-130 Specter Gunship, recently replaced by the C-130J Ghostrider (I think your picture is the J model— the one they trashed so bad with that inverted stunt that they had to scrap the whole plane due to the damage).
Not all factions are “ISIS-affliates backed by the CIA”. In fact, none of them are.
Well to start the rebels definitely aren’t “ISIS affiliates.” They (the FSA) made an uncomfortable alliance with an *al Qaeda* affiliate in the al Nusra Front but this was born out of necessity during the stalemate of 2012-2013. Al Nusra with its foreign fighters and illicit funding was doing a better job than the FSA…
There is no way on earth that a pilot can get an indication that he is being targeted by an IR-guided missile. Also, MANPADS can’t target anything above 20k feet.
Being “broke” is not just about debt. The stoner kid who delivers pizzas probably has no debt, but he can barely afford to pay his cell phone bill and his dealer, because he has too little income.
As I’m sure you’ve noticed, the dumb one showed up.
I’d be significantly more inclined to join the conversations if this trend continues. Although, I do miss that “ironic_username” guy from awhile back, he was amusing....
I was just thinking about that. I'm so bored I have to go over to gawker to get something riled up.
If you take that as a measure of a nations economy, then you are a dumbass.
If he really is Polish, he’s in a deep national-identity crisis.
I can’t wait for them to declare ISIS ‘defeated’. I mean, that is what they say Russia has been doing there, right? Fighting ISIS?
Anyone else notice the lack of Putin’s keyboard commandos?
You are probably exactly correct.
He basically just pulled a Libya. Without Russian air support, SAA forces will have a difficult time holding on to the gains they made. Unless an actual peace deal is about to be negotiated (which we all know is incredibly unlikely), things will deteriorate again within a few months.
He made his point and he found the exit door. Regardless of what we may think of his tactics or motivations or morals, I’ve got to give him credit for claiming a gain and avoiding a quagmire.