26 lanes and it still gets gridlocked every day.
26 lanes and it still gets gridlocked every day.
I was going say the same thing. It could have already been on death’s door. A competent home mechanic could coax a 1/4 mile out of it.
It probably barely ran. It’s an old Evo ElectraGlide that someone had modified into a Road King clone. Why?
Abe also famously said:
Excellent work, good sir or madam.
I’m going to start using that as a euphemism.
Sadly buying a $100K look-at-me vehicle and then intentionally damaging by walking on it and throwing stuff at it has become “the most American” thing to do these days. I long for the days when people tried to cover up their stupidity.
The tourists coming from Cruise are not the tourists you want. They dont stay at hotels, dont stay overnight for dinner and if you have been in Santorini, you will know they are shuttled in buses to the upper part of the island. These are not good for the locals. You want tourists that stay overnight and these are not…
Hey Redbull! I’d do it for HALF that!
I miss Usenet. Yes, I am an old.
Thumbs up to referencing usenet, old man. You are a true pioneer.
The complexities of the repair just go to show how much cars have changed with the switch to electric vehicles.
It’s a moving computer. Throw your lappy out a 2nd story window....say, into some grass, and you’ll get just enough damage to bork it but it wont look unborkable. Yet it is, b/c 2.3 million different electrical connections need to be intact and some of them are now in fact tact, and ya don’t know which ones, and you…
Truly, the most apocalypse ready vehicle is one that requires and endless series of software checks and troubleshooting that ultimately doesn’t work.
As a Texan, I can assure you that especially here, we are not better than this...
Particularly and specifically Texans are not better than this.
With apologies to Maslow: “If all you have is a gun, everything looks like a target.”