
*paces dramatically back and forth in front of a bank* GATTACA! GATTACA!

But the sticker doesn’t say ‘fascist’; it says ‘crazy’. The cave rescue was, IMO, the final straw that tipped him from eccentric to tissue-paper-box-slippers

Even Milo Minderbinder isn’t immune to the effects of inflation and bird flu and has to resort to desperate measures

Best generation. Mostly mechanical with some electronic flourishes. None of that ‘Oh, you got a corolla dent? $10K please!’ shit...

*shakes fist* Damn you, Pete Wilson!

That was a... curious diversion

*mystery person walks into court wearing sunglasses, a fake moustache and a Mets t-shirt* “Who is this USASF you speak of?”

Oh, there’s just so much wrong with all of our systems, there’s choice paralysis in deciding on where to start...

Capitalists gonna Capitalism. And that means getting the cheapest, most controllable workers. US workers, even the smart ones, wouldn’t come cheap and they can’t be threatened with deportation.

I like how the EPA literally couldn’t wait another month before approving this.  Cause we’d expect this with Trump’s EPA. 


Yeah, but that TruCoat...

So, like in the last case, you only get the fine if you’re 10mph over the school limit. In some cases, going the posted -regular- limit would still keep you from being fined

Jaguar doesn’t look so stupid now, do they?!

It’s on a laminated card in his wallet.

Safer than the F-35, and cheaper!

You campaign to the electorate you have, not the one you want.

Roads everywhere end up going unbrined as no one can figure out how to open the jar to load the trucks.

Your regular reminder that having lots of money does not mean you’re intelligent...especially when you’re going outside your specialty.

No way Bryant’s knees could drive a car for that long.