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I mean...aren’t rehearsals supposed to be in character?

I don’t know if it would be filed under ‘panic’ but there was at least fretting of a possible Trump v. DeSantis schism before their primaries.

(Wembley isn’t an American football stadium so he can be forgiven for the silly allusion here)

It’s not the same level of payout.  They’d have to return -something-

Well, maybe I /want/ people to think about Michael Bay transformers when they look at my car’s butt.

I recall reading that when Starliner returns, the bits that have failed burn up so that would make post-landing examination difficult.

On the other hand, we finally have an answer to the question, “What if EA made cars?” Not that anyone ever thought to ask it, but hey, now we know.

So...BMW’s going to return the insurance money and take the cars back to destroy them in house?

It’s 450 miles between Hispaniola and Venezuela.

The American principle that no one is above the law was reaffirmed.

What in the actual what?

My version: ‘Working on set with Alec Baldwin’

That’s a big assumption on the amount of Bakersfield residents that still have teeth.

Also the interest Ferrari gets on the earlier installments rather than a flat $60k.

Within that first weekend, it netted $40.9 million...

It hasn’t sold yet, though! All the precious DNCC data is going to be stolen by China!! Democracy is (Bender)Doooooooooomed!(/Bender)

This the same TikTok Democrats want to ban or a different one?...

None of them are Iron Man level, by his own admission

Faces are like onions, Clarice. They have layers.

If only there was a way to open a lock without electricity...