
There’s got to be a morning after...”

Northern Exposure doesn’t need a gritty reboot...

No, Meaning of Life.  Where he dies in a manner of his own choosing. 

Mine went to Graham Chapman running off a cliff in Meaning of Life...but that one’s not embeddable. And probably not on YouTube.  And I’m definitely not checking while at work.

Instead of Coyote vs ACME we get...this?

If you click through, it gives one intersection:

The trick with this area is its only temporarily a school zone. It’s 20mph between 7A-6P and 30mph between 6P-7A.

Pulling up Google street maps, the speed limit on Western is already 30!

NASA’s failures also resulted in immediate, lengthy culture changes. Yes, the effect wore down, but we’re still talking 20+ year intervals between fatalities.

I believe Boeing checks both the ‘super desperate’ and ‘hopeless’ boxes. After the Starliner fiasco, how long would it take to get Boeing back in the good graces of NASA? And now roll that in with all the other fiascos going on.

At least this sort of hedonistic display of wealth I can accept. It beats buying a newspaper and then overriding the editorial boards...

But I thought this is why we banned TikTok! To protect our privacy!! Why is this happening?!1!1(sin x^2+cos x^2)!

Ben-Hur doesn’t stand a chance now!

Trump doesn’t pay anyone though, so that rules out #1

If it was China you know damn well this would’ve been the top story for the past year.  Look how much mileage they got out of what they literally admitted was a weather balloon.

Urban sprawl has since spread out to the very edges of the bases. Hence, shooting down the drones poses danger to the civilians.


Cool, now you’ve got the port on proprietary hardware so the company working automation can keep charging the port more for support.

*yawn* So what’s your solution? Not pay labor? But, no, that doesn’t actually solve things, because the end consumer still pays more and more even when wages are stagnant.

If automation was easy, it’d already be in place.