
Funny how people used to think Silicon Valley and Big Tech were liberal.

Oh look, they’re still missing the point.

Ah, see, it obviously engaged the Yakety_Sax.exe subroutine

other things I am willing to try include; 4 day work week, 6 hours being full time (with increased wages). oh wow you have a little less light at the golf course whaa whaa, you really think an experiment from the 70s involve the same types of people today?

Why reinvent the wheel?

Looks a lot more like the X-37B than the space shuttle to me. X-37B is also unmanned.

I’m impressed and disgusted at the same time.

It may be illegal due to regulations around lotteries. He’s being very limiting with who is eligible, which is usually against lottery laws.

A cop named Crook. I love it.

Torts professors everywhere are elated at this perfect new final exam question.

Research how little they make and how little they  got last time vs other folks who make what now? These are literally blue collar workers being paid far below the rate of inflation for years. Good for them. The average fortunate 500 CEO makes what? Contributes what?  No.......they need every single dollar they can

It’s right next to the Highway Bypass plans. You can't miss it!

far more than the industry standard of zero”

In this case because the damage, the wheel and surround, is VERY localized it seems unlikely it was cause by collision with a vehicle. It almost looks like a suspension failure and the janky wheel caused the damage while they were coming to a stop.  More interesting to me, at least, is who is fine with just tossing

The ignorance from Ray. Cant imagine a “blue guy” driving a Scout? Open your eyes, guy, and try to actually view the world around you.

“Can serve briefly as a boat

cops don’t like being outnumbered

Because cops are more likely to be in the takeover than to stop it? Dirtbags support dirtbag things.

Not sure how “Cop kills 7 and injures 6 more plowing into a group of dirtbike riders at a street takeover” hasn’t been a headline yet.