
Save money with this easy tip: CRIME

A Hayao Miyazaki film this ain't.

Did he say anything about her ass? My understanding is that Al Pacino has a very unique skill set when it come to commenting on people’s asses.

All the talk the last week about Dems panicking made me realize you never hear about Republicans panicking.

“I’m the author of two franchises.”

It’s not really a left or right issue NEITHER party care.  You don’t see either party standing up demanding something like random inspections of mines in the DRC.  As with pretty much all mining, no one wants it near them and would prefer it’s in brown countries where they don’t have to see it.

I believe his wife asked to not press charges, which was a big factor. I think the state is also suing him for recovery damages.

Call me crazy, but a single person should not have enough money to purchase that many Veyrons

That’s fine, I use Firefox anyway.

Maybe he should stop signaling left and then swerving to the right.

The majestic Vancouver Harbor Beaver, preys upon unsuspecting pleasure craft. Here you can see it capture the roof from one such encounter before diving back to the water for its meal.”

I dunno, that just looks like an efficient use of the runway.

And yet so many of them have worm in their common name:

The CBB is no joke of a bridge. The south span is 2 lanes, always travels north, and those 2 lanes are crazy narrow with either steel or concrete walls inches from your door. The north span is 3 lanes...a tad wider, and normally all 3 lanes are southbound, but sometime they make the southernmost lost lane travel north.

Not even an atomic blast nullifies an atomic blast. So if we are at that stage, you might as well kiss and hug your family and friends to say goodbye.

Not all of it

Your premise is far from consumer friendly and only benefits OEMs bottom-line and bonus structure.

People need to chill. He’s a professional, he can feel whatever work of his he wants is mediocre. He didn’t even criticize the films (which, to be frank, have lots to criticize, the third one accepted), he just said his performance was mediocre. I disagree, but he’s the artist.

Then again, why ask internat fans to

No employee is worth $33 million a year. 

I just don’t understand why people take their seatbelts off if they are sitting there. If you happen to be walking to the bathroom and this happens, my condolences, that’s just crappy timing. But if you are in your seat, there’s just no reason not to have the belt on. These incidents happen frequently enough that