
its crazy to think that the entire global financial system, the reason we aren’t living in recyclable space towers, the reason the oceans are cooking, the reason we haven’t cured many diseases, all of it can be summed up by ... people with money only care about making more money

Excellent article.

This just in, people with money only care about making more money

Always go around Louisiana if you’re driving. This is advice I have been given by a family friend who was a travelling salesman in the south. He said - for decades - “if you have to go to Louisiana, fly”.

The goofy thing about these little towns is that they’re often situated on highways that have a higher speed limit going into and out of town. This leads to a “step down” and “step up” speed limit transition. Extreme example would be 65 down to a 35 in 10mph increments. The police in these speed trap towns will

The grid penalty is the ultimate insult after a defective track ruins your car and costs beaucoup Euros to fix.

At a basic level the whole point of investing is so the company can get started and grow further with the expectation that you’ll get a return at some point. GM’s profitable, what need is there for investors anymore? Phase out the stocks over time and let the company stand on it’s own now...at least that’s the cynic

Who are these millions of normal middle class Americans who are indirectly invested in GM? The majority of equities are held by institutionals.  Your statement may have been true when many more were vested in pensions, but no more.  They are left to their own devices with IRAs and 401ks, and we know most Americans

The duality of that Twitter handle...  I love it.

Wait a second, I thought that capitalism was supposed to make everything work optimally. Was that ... propaganda?

Even if I knew I could mop the floor with the Teamster boss I wouldn’t, I don’t want to end up on the back of a milk carton later.

Keeping the masses divided benefits ALL of the power-hungry industries and institutions. It’s been part of US culture since the 1800s. Foreign agents don’t need to do the job for them.

Alright, since you’ve given me a fun physics problem I’ll bite.

They did, there just wasn’t anything anyone could do about it. Unlike Coyote vs. Acme, Batgirl wasn’t finished with post-production. It featured Michael Keaton and was set in a cinematic universe that was in the process of being rebooted (Batgirl was cancelled a few months before James Gunn and Peter Safran were hired

Zaslav: Today’s young people are entitled and lazy!

Preemptive demolition does reduce steps.

“Bullied” lol not easy to bully a multi-billion dollar corporation when you’re not an A. Government, or B. Another multi-billion dollar corporation. 

Ugh, I have some co-workers with this problem (and worse, one of them is the boss so I can’t even say anything). Keep your nasty-ass hands out of the communal container! You get a bowl or plate and tip the container to pour some out.

There’s a lot of fun little jokes throughout ‘Thor 2': Selvig saying he’s glad Loki’s dead and then apologising to Thor, “Mew Mew!”, Thor asking Jane about her date with Chris O’Dowd’s character. The seeds for future Thor wackiness are already there.

Seems like a good place to post this.