
It is amazing how many historic structures the developers want to rip down all seem to mysteriously catch fire.

At this point, I’m pretty sure that literally everything we make as a chemical product is in some ways severely harming the environment in some way.

I’m telling you, Molotov cocktails work. Any time I had a problem, and I threw a Molotov cocktail, boom! Right away, I had a different problem.

It’s a great line but not surprising at all. I didn’t realize how cheap these railroad companies are until the rail workers strike last year. I seriously didn’t know that some full time workers don’t get paid sick days. I thought that was a federal law. 

To Thrall! The cause of, and solution to, all of Azeroth’s problems!”

How out of touch are they that they didnt anticipate something like this?

I know America wants you to BELIEVE it’s value, but if it can disappear in a few days, was it really ever “value?” Not price - “value.

Hopefully Biden sees Jurassic Park soon so he can protect us from dinosaur attacks.

“People say it’s three hours, but come on, you can sit in front of the TV and watch something for five hours...”

It really cannot be said enough: the internet was a mistake. 

Line always has to go up.

Came here for this, wasn’t disappointed.

Because there is no such thing as a responsible gun owner.

How the fuck is ANY gun owner unaware that he’s packing? That is NOT someone I want anywhere near a firearm. FFS.

When the LAPD is calling you out for being racist:

Not a violation per se, but it’s one I experienced this morning which really grinds my gears: 20-30 cars are lined up to make a right turn, all waiting behind one oblivious person without a care who is not turning right

You could have record lows of unemployment paired with salaries paid for each of those jobs that don’t cover basic necessities. Almost everyone needs a roof over their heads, a car to get to and from work, and groceries. And if you totaled up the average cost of everything, sometimes you may get a few dollars to

Nothing says unsustainable more than workers living in their cars.  If you work full time, you should be able to afford a living space.

“Buckets of money from the Feds” isn’t “return on investment,” it’s “reducing cost”.

The only way utilities will see an ROI for grid upgrades is if it allows them to sell more MWh of electricity, or if it can allow them to increase their rates.  

You know she’s a literal child in everything you’ve seen her act in, right? If my kids do anything at a B- level I’d be over the moon.