
people react just as strongly to humans suffering, you just aren’t tallying it properly. there are many people out there helping the homeless, volunteering for veterans, leading fundraisers for people in need, etc. just like there are for animals. this is a really ignorant take. for every story you see about a dog


that’s nuts.

the field was already leveled because everyone had it. still gonna be level, just different.

the fact that there is a UAV available AND a mini map is fucking retarded.

Protip: Insurgency didn’t invent any of that. before saying someone is ripping off something, please appreciate where shit came from first.

good on them. all sorts of art assets going unnoticed and unappreciated because everyone is constantly flicking their eyes up and to the side. i’ve never liked mini maps.

everyone’s sick of white people.  we get it.

we all knew this game was going to be shit, right? the more effort put into polishing the reveal presentation, the worse it’s going to be.

as a man with a soul patch, the photo at the top of this article is deeply offensive. not all men with a soul patch stand behind women, both of them covered in shadow, headsets signaling their belonging to the greater gaming zeitgeist, adorned with nothing else but a hipster’s hoodie and a sneering grin implying dark

all you have to do is ignore it.

this is fantastic.  i only watch Twitch because of Overwatch league.  Would be awesome if they moved to Mixer.

a shame the discourse ended up looking like this article...

them living with it would be met with a bunch of, “then why are they even addressing it, why say they are “_____” when you’re not even showing anything about it!?” just like they did with Soldier and Tracer and their sexuality.

you’re giving overwatch too much credit in its ability to sway mass opinion in the global population.  you sound fucking silly dude.

this is the sound a turtle makes when it hides away from the big, scary world.

lol, bro you flounder....it’s pathetic and sad. lol.

that guy’s a total fucking idiot.  is there a way to ignore people here?

this is the best comment in the thread.  done.  everyone go home.  we found the proper, reasonable take.  

you’re wrong, other dude is right. sometimes, the white guy is the big bad corporate villain. sometimes, the crazy schizo did murder their fiance and only turned themselves in during a moment of lucidity (this actually happened, that is a real story). sometimes, the big scary biker is a wife beating drug dealer.