
just because you decide to watch that content and only that content doesn’t mean it’s the only content out there. There are plenty of of stories that take place in those types of settings that portray the reality of the situation, but you dont notice it because then it is just a backdrop for the REAL story you tuned

they are plenty of villains that aren’t “retarded” as you put it, dumbass.

I can’t tell which is the bigger mob of butthurt fuckboys, the people crying about the epic store or the people crying about loot boxes.

steam doesnt have a monopoly.  

do you even know what straw man means? lol. the only straw here is in the dumpster that you set on fire to distract yourself from the reality that you are a fucking loser scrub. it’s a free game launcher, fuckboy. actually, don’t even bother! really, the Epic player base is better off without the type of people that

Reality.  You’re blind.


poor baby got his feelings hurt lol.

Hopefully getting into some Hollow Knight.  Probably jump around the starting area for profit in Elite Dangerous for a little bit.

your lukewarm bathwater take is garbage. lol.

you’re cool.  you can be my friend.

capitalism is a helluva drug. guess they shoulda read the fine print.

I’m only watching your videos so Rick Moranis gets more of the royalties he is owed for you biting his style. I assume you’re paying him royalties.

He’s owed the royalties.

you’re a week willed cuck dude. stick to your convictions or just shut the fuck up on this soapbox that somebody, for some reason, gave you.

hey look, a guy who doesn’t understand nuance getting paid to write articles. lol. no wonder i make so much, employers have very low standards these days.

you’re using a religious symbol as an internet avatar on a gaming website. i dont think you’re in a position to comment on respecting the lifestyles of others. did you ever ask yourself if your avatar could be seen as offensive to someone who may hold it in much higher regard? or are you a devoted taoist who has no

the fight, lol

oh shut up pansy

blah blah blah what’s nuance? durp durp durp controversy!