fomo can only be milked when the pathetic fomo mofos let their nips hang out like losers.
fomo can only be milked when the pathetic fomo mofos let their nips hang out like losers.
yes. are you new here? this is a typical I’m a Victim kotaku post.
I dont need other people to practice self control. why do i care if you pay extra or not?
why should anyone accommodate your FOMO?
they didnt write it any differently than a christian would have. catholics capitalize the word church, also.
i dont get how someone can get 30 years to life on someone else’s words alone.
he only recognized it as a scam because it didn’t fit the scam-ecosystem he already had in his head. it’s no different than when these weirdos are presented with video evidence and then they say, “nah that’s a deep state deep fake ai video, he never said that”
i did look before asking here. i couldn’t find anything, so figured i was not looking up the proper terms or whathaveyou.
i have not been following this story at all. what was the evidence presented against him?
thank science.
here, on kotaku?
you sound like a petty, insufferable fuck
it’s not confusing at all ethan, you fucking retard:
also, the worst sex scenes are the one with gay dudes.
i prefer pornhub, because i’m not a desperate loser without a private study.
i guess everything isn’t made for everyone.
imagine having to copy paste articles from IGN because you advocated stealing
they didnt add the concepts created by fans, they came up with their own ideas. nintendo doesnt want fans fucking with their shit for this exact reason, some douchebag out there going, “but i drew it first and sold a patch on etsy waaah waaah QQ”
a reasonable take on kotaku about live action adaptations?
im bout it. mr. adkins performed a stellar service here. thieves and criminals suck.